

以下示例代码显示如何使用 Aspose.Cells 创建小计。代码加载示例 excel 文件并在单元格范围 B13:C19 上创建小计并保存输出excel文件.以下屏幕截图显示了示例和输出 excel 文件在代码执行后的样子。



//For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-C
//Path of input excel file
StringPtr sampleCreatingSubtotals = dirPath->StringAppend(new String("sampleCreatingSubtotals.xlsx"));
//Path of output excel file
StringPtr outputCreatingSubtotals = outPath->StringAppend(new String("outputCreatingSubtotals.xlsx"));
//Load sample excel file into a workbook object
intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(sampleCreatingSubtotals);
//Get first worksheet of the workbook
intrusive_ptr<IWorksheet> ws = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0);
//Get the cells collection of the worksheet
intrusive_ptr<ICells> cells = ws->GetICells();
//Create cell area covering the cell range B3:C19
intrusive_ptr<ICellArea> ca = ICellArea::CreateICellArea(new String("B3"), new String("C19"));
//Create integer array of size 1 and set its first value to 1
intrusive_ptr<Array1D<int>> totalList = new Array1D<int>(1);
totalList->SetValue(1, 0);
//Apply subtotal, the consolidation function is Sum and it will be applied to second column
cells->Subtotal(ca, 0, ConsolidationFunction_Sum, totalList);
//Save the workbook in xlsx format