Aspose.Diagram for .NET 18.2 Note di rilascio

Miglioramenti e modifiche

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DIAGRAMNET-51425 Il salvataggio di VSDX come VDX produce l’output danneggiato Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50269 VSDX to PDF conversion, circular shape Fill color is changed Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50328    VSDX to PDF conversion, incorrect formatting issues with text items Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50329 Title text is not aligned on saving a VSDM to SVG Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50600 VSDX to PDF conversion, wrong background color of the shapes Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50605 VSDX to HTML conversion, wrong background color of the shapes Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-51175 The title text is displaced on converting a VSDM to SVG Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-51287 Output VSDX - visualizzazione errata della forma alla modifica della larghezza Insetto