Aspose.Diagram for .NET 6.4.0 Note di rilascio

Altri miglioramenti e modifiche

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DIAGRAMNET-50766 VSD to PDF export - the color of circles inside the traffic signal boxes is not preserved. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50767 VSD to PDF export - Dashed lines are converted to solid lines. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50044 Misplaced text or incorrect line breaks when converting VSD to PDF format. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50178 VSD to PDF conversion, Shape’s text with incorrect wrapping/layout. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50186 VSD to PDF conversion, incorrect layout of the text in shapes. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50275 VSD to SVG conversion, missing sub shapes or incorrect positions. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50287 VSD to SVG conversion, text items are misplaced. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50294 VSDX to SVG conversion, text items are misplaced. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50452 VDW to PDF conversion, the text items are messed up. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50468 VSD to PDF conversion, the text shape is misplaced. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50499 VSD to PDF conversion, the text items are not preserved. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50514 VSDX to PDF conversion, the embedded word document icon is missing. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50548 VSD to PDF conversion, table items are not preserved. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50661 VSD to PDF export, the dash type horizontal line turns into the solid line. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50673 VSDX to PDF export, the circular shapes of type metafile are missing. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50726 VSD to PDF export renders incorrect formatting of the bullets. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50727 VSD to HTML export renders incorrect formatting of the bullets. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50728 VSD to PDF export renders incorrect formatting of the bullets. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50729 VSD to HTML export renders incorrect formatting of the bullets. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50733 VSD to HTML export renders incorrect formatting of the bullets. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50736 VSD to PDF export aligns the shape’s text incorrectly. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50737 VSD to HTML export aligns the shape’s text incorrectly. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50768 VSD to PDF export - the word “STOP” is lost. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50769 VSD to PDF EXPORT - the “N” character in the North Arrow is lost. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50770 Apri e salva la routine di un VSDX diagram ha perso il tema delle forme. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50771 Apri e salva la routine di un VSDX diagram ha perso le frecce dei connettori. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50772 Apri e salva la routine di un VSDX diagram ha cambiato una posizione della linea tratteggiata. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50773 NullReferenceException si è verificata durante la creazione di un VSDX diagram vuoto. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50774 Argument out of range exception occurs while exporting a VSDX to PDF. Insetto

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