Aspose.Diagram for .NET 6.5.0 Note di rilascio
Questa pagina contiene le note di rilascio perAspose.Diagram for .NET 6.5.0
Altri miglioramenti e modifiche
Chiave | Riepilogo | Categoria |
DIAGRAMNET-50555 | Impossibile recuperare le connessioni dal file stencil VSS. | Aumento |
DIAGRAMNET-50699 | Supporta il caricamento del commento per il file vsd. | Aumento |
DIAGRAMNET-50340 | VSDX to PDF conversion, the arrows of dynamic connectors are not preserved. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50341 | VSDX to HTML conversion, the arrows of dynamic connectors are not preserved. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50346 | VSDX to PDF conversion, incorrect sequence of line breaks in the text items. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50368 | VSDX to PDF conversion, red color text items are misplaced. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50369 | VSDX to HTML conversion, red color text items are misplaced. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50380 | VDX to PNG conversion, the appearance of dynamic connectors is changed. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50381 | VDX to SVG conversion, the appearance of dynamic connectors is changed. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50501 | VSD to PDF conversion, the shape’s text is also available in shape shadow. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50504 | VSD to PDF conversion, the text items and bullets are not properly aligned. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50505 | VSD to HTML conversion, the text items and bullets are not properly aligned. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50506 | VSD to HTML conversion, the text items and bullets are not properly aligned. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50507 | VSD to PDF conversion, the text items and bullets are not properly aligned. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50558 | VSDX to PDF conversion, missing various shapes in the resultant PDF file. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50572 | VSD to PDF conversion, the dashed type lines turn into a solid. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50714 | VSD to PDF export - the background color of the checkboxes is not preserved. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50715 | VSD to PDF export - the background color of the radio boxes is not preserved. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50716 | VSD to PDF export - the color of selection lists is changed. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50730 | VSD to PDF export does not render letters slightly above. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50731 | VSD to HTML export does not render letters slightly above. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50775 | The text position of some items is incorrect on converting a VSDX to SVG. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50776 | Extra bullets are added for saving a VSD to PDF. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50782 | Missing shapes on converting a VSD to PDF. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50783 | Missing various text items on converting a VSD to PDF. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50784 | Missing shapes on converting a VSD to HTML. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50785 | Missing various text items on converting a VSD to HTML. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50786 | La proprietà ImageSaveOptions.Resolution non funziona come previsto durante l’esportazione di un VSDX in JPG. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50787 | The position of text items is changed on converting a VSD to PDF. | Insetto |
DIAGRAMNET-50788 | The label text of buttons is missing on converting a VSD to PDF. | Insetto |
Pubblico API e modifiche incompatibili con le versioni precedenti
Consulta l’elenco per eventuali modifiche apportate al pubblico API come membri aggiunti, rinominati, rimossi o deprecati, nonché qualsiasi modifica non compatibile con le versioni precedenti apportata a Aspose.Diagram for .NET. Se hai dubbi su qualsiasi modifica elencata, segnalala sulAspose.Diagram forum di supporto.
Non ci sono modifiche API pubbliche nella versione 6.5.0 di Aspose.Diagram for .NET.