Aspose.Diagram for .NET 6.7.0 Note di rilascio

Altri miglioramenti e modifiche

Chiave Riepilogo Categoria
DIAGRAMNET-50136 VSD to PDF conversion - the red cross image appears instead of the shape. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50324 VSD to HTML conversion - the background color of the shape is not preserved. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50500 VSD to PDF conversion - the Color of the shapes are not preserved. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50536 VSD to PDF conversion - the table items are not preserved. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50680 Non ridimensiona automaticamente una forma sul disegno. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50681 Trascina e rilascia le forme Visio di grandi dimensioni. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50937 La routine di caricamento e salvataggio di un VSDM diagram mostra un segno di croce al posto del pulsante. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50939 Impossibile impostare una cella evento della forma in VSDM. Aumento
DIAGRAMNET-50219 VSD to PDF conversion - the logo transparency is not preserved. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50363 VSD to PDF conversion - incorrect line breaks in text. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50878 Lettura spazzatura della proprietà angle in un VSDX diagram. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50879 Letture errate dei nodi in arrivo in un VSD diagram. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50884 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - I. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50885 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - II. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50886 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - III. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50887 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - IV. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50888 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - V. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50890 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - VI. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50891 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - VII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50892 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - VIII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50893 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - IX. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50896 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - X. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50898 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XI. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50900 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50901 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XIII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50902 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XIV. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50905 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XV. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50907 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XVI. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50908 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XVII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50910 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XVIII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50911 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XIX. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50913 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XX. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50914 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XXI. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50915 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XXII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50916 A table is missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - XXIII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50894 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - I. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50895 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - II. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50897 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - III. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50899 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - IV. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50903 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - V. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50904 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - VI. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50906 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - VII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50912 Tables are missing on converting a VSDX to PNG - VIII. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50909 Icons are changed while converting a VSDX to PNG - XXV. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50923 NullReferenceException occurred while saving a VSD to PDF. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50928 The gradient color pattern of a shape is changed on converting a VSD to PNG. Insetto
DIAGRAMNET-50933 Gli endpoint dei connettori non sono connessi durante il salvataggio nel formato VDX. Insetto

Pubblico API e modifiche incompatibili con le versioni precedenti

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Esempi di utilizzo

Si prega di controllare l’elenco degli argomenti della guida aggiunti nei documenti Wiki Aspose.Diagram: