Aspose.Diagram for Java 16.10.0 Release Notes

Other Improvements and Changes

Key Summary Category
DIAGRAMJAVA-50422 Output VSDX - Can’t modify the text of shape on changing Data1, Data2, and Data3 properties. Enhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50423 Output PDF - Can’t modify the text of shape on changing Data1, Data2, and Data3 properties. Enhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50424 Output PDF - Can’t modify the text of shape from another shape text. Enhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50016 VSD to PDF conversion, shapes are missing. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50075 VSD to PDF conversion, the text of the shape appears not bold. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50210 Shape.GluedShapes method call is not returning all shape ids. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50363 The vertical text appears as horizontal text on converting a VSDX to PNG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50364 The appearance of shapes is changed while converting a VSDX to PNG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50366 The incorrect symbol appears on converting a VSDX page to PNG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50371 The number format error occurred on saving a VST to PNG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50372 The number format error occurred on saving a VST to PDF. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50375 Retrieves reverse order of incoming and outgoing nodes from a VSDX. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50377 Can’t retrieve relationships cell of the container shape from a VSD. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50387 A Number Format error occurred on converting a VSD to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50389 The black color rectangles are generated on converting a VSD to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50394 The arrows are not being rendered correctly on converting a VSD to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50395 The text items are displaced on converting a VSD to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50397 Incorrect rendering of the calendar on converting a VSD to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50399 Shape.connectedShapes method returns nodes with the reverse direction. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50400 Can’t retrieve relationship cell of the shapes from a VSD. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50401 The background color of Visio pages is black on converting a VSD to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50411 Junk shape ID’s are being retrieved from a VSD diagram. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50416 The incorrect symbol appears on converting a VSDX page to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50417 The Page size option is being changed by setting the width and height of VSDM page. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50418 Can’t retrieve relationship string of the shapes from a VSD. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50420 Improper change in size of a Visio shape on opening and saving in VSDM. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50422 Output VSDX - Can’t modify the text of shape on changing Data1, Data2, and Data3 properties. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50423 Output PDF - Can’t modify the text of shape on changing Data1, Data2, and Data3 properties. Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50424 Output PDF - Can’t modify the text of shape from another shape text. Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

See the list for any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Diagram support forum.

Usage Examples

Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Diagram Wiki docs: