Aspose.Diagram for Java 20.1 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

Key Summary Category
DIAGRAMJAVA-50664 Gradient fill not supported in export to SVG Enhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50670 Allow loading fonts from memory Enhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50681 API is taking long time to load diagram file with large size Enhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50381 The network shapes are not being preserved on converting a VSDX to PDF Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50386 The images are turned upside down with color difference on converting a VSD to SVG Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50679 VSDX to PDF - Connectors are missing in output Bug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50680 Visio to PNG - Output images were cropped out Bug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for JAVA. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Diagram support forum.

  • Added getPages and setPages in Page - Specifies the index of the pages to be loaded.
 LoadOptions options = new LoadOptions(LoadFileFormat.VSDX);

options.setPages(new ArrayList());

  • Adds setFontSources in FontConfigs - Sets the fonts sources.
 byte[] b = new byte[] { 0 };

com.aspose.diagram.MemoryFontSource sc1 = new com.aspose.diagram.MemoryFontSource(b);

com.aspose.diagram.MemoryFontSource sc2 = new com.aspose.diagram.MemoryFontSource(b);

com.aspose.diagram.MemoryFontSource[] sc = new com.aspose.diagram.MemoryFontSource[] { sc1, sc2 };
