Aspose.Diagram for .NET 16.12.0 Release Notes

Other Improvements and Changes

Key Summary Category
DIAGRAMNET-51081 Add support to modify the individual gradient stop. New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-51071 The gradient color of the shape is not being preserved on saving in VSDX. Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-51075 The gradient color of circle shape is not shown on saving in VSDX. Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-51109 Improvement to set the gradient stop properties. Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-51073 Incomplete rendering of the circle shape on saving in VDX. - I Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51077 Incomplete rendering of the circle shape on saving in VDX. - II Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51098 VSD to PDF export - the extra white space is generated on the left side of the drawing. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51099 VSD to HTML export - the extra white space is generated on the left side of the drawing. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51100 VSD to SVG export - the background color of container turns into black. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51101 Can’t group shapes second time in a Visio Drawing page. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51102 The group shape becomes invisible on adding circular shapes in a VSDM. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51103 Page.AddShape method shows an invalid error on adding a dynamic connector. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51105 Missing an embedded excel in converting a VSD to PDF. - I Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51114 Missing an embedded excel in converting a VSD to PDF. -II Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51117 The text items in the bullets are not aligned well on converting a VSD to PDF. Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

See the list for any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Diagram support forum.

Adds AddText Method in the Page class

It allows to add text with PinX and PinY values.

Adds GradientFill, GradientStopCollection and GradientStop Classes

These classes help to edit gradient fill formatting values of the Visio shape.

Usage Examples

Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Diagram Wiki docs:

  1. Modify the Gradient of a Visio Shape