Aspose.Diagram for .NET 17.8 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

Key Summary Category
DIAGRAMNET-51295 VSDX to SVG - the low quality of output SVG. Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-51298 SVGSaveOptions - add support to control the level of bitmap compression. Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-51300 Add support of connecting shapes with connection index. Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-50577 VSDX to PDF conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - I. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50582 VSDX to HTML conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - I. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50601 VSDX to PDF conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - II. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50606 VSDX to HTML conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - II. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51197 Warning triangle shapes are not rendered correctly in saving VSDM to SVG. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51245 Displaced text items on converting a VSD to PDF. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51246 Incorrect fonts applied to text when converting a VSD to PDF. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51296 VSDM to SVG - the image is truncated. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51301 VSDX to PDF - the color of text on connecting lines is changed. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51302 VSDX to PDF - missing graphic elements. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51304 VSDX to PDF - incomplete rendering of the flow chart. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51305 VSDX to PDF - missing graphic elements. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51306 VSDX to PDF - the color of text on connecting lines is changed. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51307 VSDX to PDF - missing graphic elements. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51313 Open and save routine of a VSDX drawing generates a corrupt output file. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51314 VSDX to SVG - incorrect positioning of the text. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51317 VSDX to PDF - the text of connecting lines is missing. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51318 VSDX to PDF - the bold formatted text of rectangle shapes is missing. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51319 VSDM to SVG - the arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow error. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51320 Error in the element of shape while loading a VSDM. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51323 VSDM to SVG - all connecting lines are missing. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51324 VSDM to SVG - incorrect border style and border color of various shapes. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51326 Issue after adding two comments to the shape. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51327 Issue after using the “AddComment” method when adding comments to various shapes. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51328 Aspose Diagram incorrectly imports shape to document. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51330 VSDM to SVG - an additional watermark text is added. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51332 VSDM to SVG - incorrect rendering of an icon. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51334 VSDM to SVG - displaced text at the top right corner. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51335 VSDM to SVG - incorrect rendering of the background image. Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51337 VSD to HTML - invalid format of the input string error. Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise them in the Aspose.Diagram support forum.

Adds Quality member in SVGSaveOptions class

It gets or sets a value determining the quality of the generated images.

 string dataDir = @"c:\temp\";

// Load an existing drawing

Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");

// specify SVG export settings

SVGSaveOptions options = new SVGSaveOptions();

// set image quality

options.Quality = 100;

// save drawing in the SVG format

diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseSVGSaveOptions_out.svg", options);

Adds ConnectShapesViaConnectorIndex method in Page class

It allows to connect shapes using connection indexes.

 string dataDir = @"c:\temp\";

// Load an existing drawing

Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");

// get shapes by ID

Aspose.Diagram.Shape shape1 = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(1);

Aspose.Diagram.Shape shape2 = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(2);

// add connector shapes

Aspose.Diagram.Shape connector1 = new Aspose.Diagram.Shape();

long connecter1Id = diagram.AddShape(connector1, "Dynamic connector", 0);

// connect shapes by index of conneecting points

diagram.Pages[0].ConnectShapesViaConnectorIndex(shape1.ID, 6, shape2.ID, 3, connecter1Id);

// save drawing

diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseSVGSaveOptions_out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);

Usage Examples

Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Diagram Wiki docs: 

  1. Use Connection indexes to connect shapes
  2. Use of the SVG Save Options