Aspose.Diagram for .NET 18.4 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

Key Summary Category
DIAGRAMNET-51441 Output VSDX - Cannot Copy a Shape Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-51445 Cannot copy a shape from another VSDX drawing Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-50475 VSD to PDF conversion, the date year characters are misplaced Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50476 VSD to PDF conversion, the number list items are not properly aligned Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50477 VSD to PDF conversion, the number list items are not properly aligned Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50481 VSD to HTML conversion, the list items are misplaced Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50482 VSD to HTML conversion, the date year characters are misplaced Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50483 VSD to HTML conversion, the table column values are misplaced Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50484 VSD to HTML conversion, the number list items are not properly aligned Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50485 VSD to HTML conversion, the number list items are not properly aligned Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50486 VSD to PDF conversion, slash character between the value is misplaced Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51112 Trapezoid shapes are not being rendered properly on converting a VDX to EMF Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51113 The text of the circles is misplaced on converting a VDX to EMF Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51434 Output VSDX - the left and right ends of the shape are ballooned Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51435 Cannot retrieve all shape names from a VSDX drawing Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51436 VSDX - cannot retrieve the cell values Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51437 VSDX to PNG - the superscript text is misplaced Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51438 VSDX to SVG - the superscript text is misplaced Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51439 VSDX to PNG - the line break is added in the text of shape Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51440 Output VSDX - Diagram.Save throws an error after call of CopyTheme method Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51443 Open and save routine of VSDX drawing removes date-time field Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51444 Error on removing master from diagram Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51449 VSD to PNG - the top green color of the shape is missing Bug