Aspose.Diagram for .NET 19.7 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Diagram for .NET 19.7
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
DIAGRAMNET-51219 | Get images from the print preview of a Visio Page | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51615 | Split Diagram to Multiple Pages while generating PDF Document | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51656 | Add support for monitoring the document conversion progress | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-50045 | Incorrect line breaks when converting VSD to PDF format | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50075 | VSD to PDF conversion, incorrect text font | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50201 | VSD to PDF conversion, shapes are misplaced | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50274 | VSDX to SVG conversion, the connection layouts are incorrect | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51172 | Does not resize shape properly on saving in an image format | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51613 | AutoFitPageToDrawingContent property is not working as expected | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51657 | VISIO to JPG - output image is not in the correct format | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51658 | VSDX is getting corrupted after removing the unused theme | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51659 | The background goes missing while removing unused themes | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51660 | Shapes get missing after removing the unused theme | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise them in the Aspose.Diagram support forum.
Adds SplitMultiPages in PdfSaveOptions
Aspose.Diagram.Saving.PdfSaveOptions o = new Aspose.Diagram.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
o.SplitMultiPages = true;
diagram.Save("c:\\out.pdf", o);
Adds PageSavingCallback in PdfSaveOptions
Aspose.Diagram.Saving.PdfSaveOptions od = new Aspose.Diagram.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
od.PageSavingCallback = new TestDiagramPageSavingCallback();
d.Save("c:\\test.pdf", od);
public class TestDiagramPageSavingCallback : Aspose.Diagram.Saving.IPageSavingCallback
public void PageStartSaving(Aspose.Diagram.Saving.PageStartSavingArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Start saving diagram page {0} of pages {1}", args.PageIndex + 1, args.PageCount);
public void PageEndSaving(Aspose.Diagram.Saving.PageEndSavingArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("End saving diagram page {0} of pages {1}", args.PageIndex + 1, args.PageCount);
//don't output pages after page index 8.
if (args.PageIndex >= 8)
args.HasMorePages = false;