Aspose.Diagram for .NET 20.5 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.Diagram for .NET 20.5.
Improvements and Changes
VSD to PDF conversion, the right text alignment of the shapes is not preserved
Key | Summary | Category |
DIAGRAMNET-51088 | Retrieves incorrect page count of a VSD | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51731 | Determine if one shape is intersecting another shape in the diagram | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51833 | Aspose.Diagram 20.4: Visio Document version is not supported | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-50361 | VSD to PDF conversion, the right text alignment of the shapes is not preserved | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50955 | The text items of diamond shapes are displaced on converting a VSDX to PNG | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50990 | Plus, negative and dollar signs are not properly aligned on converting a VSDX to PNG | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51815 | Big amount of text lines in shape could create obviously displacement in the bottom side | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51820 | Evaluation watermark does not fit into a page | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51821 | Visio to Html - image and links issues in output | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51823 | While convert Visio to SVG. Some images have issue Icon Missing | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51824 | While convert Visio to SVG. Content Alignment wrong | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51826 | While convert Visio to SVG. Icon Missing | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51827 | While convert Visio to SVG - QR Code Missing | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51828 | While convert Visio to SVG - PDF icon Missing | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51829 | While convert Visio to SVG - Icon lost (Missing) | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51830 | While convert Visio to SVG - Image lost (Missing) | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51831 | Visio to HTML - image and links issues in the output | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51834 | Visio save HTML - wrong connectors | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Diagram support forum.
Adds IsIntersect in Shape
- Indicates whether this shape is intersect another shape.
Shape s1 = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(1);
Shape s2 = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(2);
bool isIntersect = s1.IsIntersect(s2);