Aspose.Diagram for .NET 20.6 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

Key Summary Category
DIAGRAMNET-50778 Diagram exception occurred on saving a VSS to PDF Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-51845 Provide support of .NET framework 5.0 Enhancement
DIAGRAMNET-50537 VSD to PDF conversion, the line breaks are not preserved Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50539 VSD to PDF conversion, hyperlinks are misplaced from the original position Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50996 The text items are not aligned properly on converting a VSDX to PNG Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51118 The text items are displaced on converting VSD pages to SVGs Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51125 The Visio page out of index error occurred on saving a VSD into PNG format Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51329 VSDM to SVG - the line breaks are not preserved Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51838 Aspose.Diagram 20.4: Exception when converting particular VSDX to JPG Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51842 Small uppercase setting is not handled Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51843 Aspose.Diagram 20.5: Loading particular VSDX document with venture licensing raises an exception Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51846 Shape with borders results in no borders in PDF Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51849 Replace an Excel to Picture Shape - CheckBox Missing Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51850 Unable to remove personal information from Excel Object in the Visio diagram Bug
DIAGRAMNET-51853 Null reference exception when converting VSDX Bug