Aspose.Diagram for .NET 6.3.0 Release Notes
Other Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
DIAGRAMNET-50739 | Add support of detecting the Visio diagram type. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50746 | Prevent export of the hidden Visio pages in the PDF. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50747 | Prevent export of the hidden Visio pages in the HTML. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50750 | Prevent export of the hidden Visio pages in the PNG. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50751 | Prevent export of the hidden Visio pages in the JPEG. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50752 | Prevent export of the hidden Visio pages in the SVG. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50753 | Prevent export of the hidden Visio pages in the GIF. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50754 | Prevent export of the hidden Visio pages in the XPS. | New Feature |
DIAGRAMNET-50541 | VSDX to PDF conversion, Hebrew text items are rendered in reverse order. | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-50542 | VSD to PDF conversion, Arabic word turns into letters. | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-50682 | VSD to PDF export, the table cell’s text is partially invisible. | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50712 | VDX to PDF export - the text of various shapes is misplaced. | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50741 | VSD to SVG export is missing some Visio shapes. | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50742 | VSD to SVG export is not applying the inner white color of shapes. | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50744 | Open and save routine of VSDX has changed text into dummy characters. | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50745 | Open and save routine of VSDX has changed the dotted line shaper. | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50748 | VSD to PDF export - the text items are misplaced. | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-50763 | VSD to VDX export is throwing the Master element error. | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
See the list for any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Diagram support forum.
Add FileFormatUtil and FileFormatInfo Classes
These classes give programmatic access to detect the Visio file type.
Adds DetectFileFormat Method in FileFormatUtil Class
It detects and returns the information about the format of a stored Visio diagram in a file.
Adds FileFormatType Property in FileFormatInfo Class
It gets the detected file format.
Adds LoadFormat Property in FileFormatInfo
It gets the detected load format.
Adds ExportHiddenPage Property in SVGSaveOptions, XPSSaveOptions, ImageSaveOptions, HTMLSaveOptions and PdfSaveOptions Classes
It defines whether need to export the hidden Visio pages or not.
Usage Examples
Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Diagram Wiki docs: