Aspose.Diagram for .NET 17.8 发行说明
此页面包含发行说明Aspose.Diagram for .NET 17.8.
钥匙 | 概括 | 类别 |
DIAGRAMNET-51295 | VSDX to SVG - the low quality of output SVG. | 强化 |
DIAGRAMNET-51298 | SVGSaveOptions - 添加支持以控制位图压缩级别。 | 强化 |
DIAGRAMNET-51300 | 添加使用连接索引连接形状的支持。 | 强化 |
DIAGRAMNET-50577 | VSDX to PDF conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - I. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-50582 | VSDX to HTML conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - I. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-50601 | VSDX to PDF conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - II. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-50606 | VSDX to HTML conversion, the circular shape’s text is misplaced - II. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51197 | Warning triangle shapes are not rendered correctly in saving VSDM to SVG. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51245 | Displaced text items on converting a VSD to PDF. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51246 | Incorrect fonts applied to text when converting a VSD to PDF. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51296 | VSDM to SVG - the image is truncated. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51301 | VSDX to PDF - the color of text on connecting lines is changed. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51302 | VSDX to PDF - missing graphic elements. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51304 | VSDX to PDF - incomplete rendering of the flow chart. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51305 | VSDX to PDF - missing graphic elements. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51306 | VSDX to PDF - the color of text on connecting lines is changed. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51307 | VSDX to PDF - missing graphic elements. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51313 | VSDX 图形的打开和保存例程生成损坏的输出文件。 | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51314 | VSDX to SVG - incorrect positioning of the text. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51317 | VSDX to PDF - the text of connecting lines is missing. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51318 | VSDX to PDF - the bold formatted text of rectangle shapes is missing. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51319 | VSDM to SVG - the arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow error. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51320 | 加载 VSDM 时形状元素出错。 | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51323 | VSDM to SVG - all connecting lines are missing. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51324 | VSDM to SVG - incorrect border style and border color of various shapes. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51326 | 向形状添加两条注释后发出。 | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51327 | 向各种形状添加注释时使用“AddComment”方法后出现问题。 | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51328 | Aspose Diagram 错误地将形状导入文档。 | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51330 | VSDM to SVG - an additional watermark text is added. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51332 | VSDM to SVG - incorrect rendering of an icon. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51334 | VSDM to SVG - displaced text at the top right corner. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51335 | VSDM to SVG - incorrect rendering of the background image. | 漏洞 |
DIAGRAMNET-51337 | VSD to HTML - invalid format of the input string error. | 漏洞 |
公共 API 和向后不兼容的更改
以下是对公众 API 所做的任何更改的列表,例如添加、重命名、删除或弃用成员,以及对 Aspose.Diagram for .NET 所做的任何非向后兼容更改。如果您对列出的任何更改有疑虑,请在这Aspose.Diagram 支持论坛.
在 SVGSaveOptions 类中添加 Quality 成员
string dataDir = @"c:\temp\";
// Load an existing drawing
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");
// specify SVG export settings
SVGSaveOptions options = new SVGSaveOptions();
// set image quality
options.Quality = 100;
// save drawing in the SVG format
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseSVGSaveOptions_out.svg", options);
在 Page 类中添加 ConnectShapesViaConnectorIndex 方法
string dataDir = @"c:\temp\";
// Load an existing drawing
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");
// get shapes by ID
Aspose.Diagram.Shape shape1 = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(1);
Aspose.Diagram.Shape shape2 = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(2);
// add connector shapes
Aspose.Diagram.Shape connector1 = new Aspose.Diagram.Shape();
long connecter1Id = diagram.AddShape(connector1, "Dynamic connector", 0);
// connect shapes by index of conneecting points
diagram.Pages[0].ConnectShapesViaConnectorIndex(shape1.ID, 6, shape2.ID, 3, connecter1Id);
// save drawing
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseSVGSaveOptions_out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
请查看 Aspose.Diagram Wiki 文档中添加的帮助主题列表: