Aspose.Diagram for .NET 18.2 发行说明

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钥匙 概括 类别
DIAGRAMNET-51425 将 VSDX 保存为 VDX 会产生损坏的输出 强化
DIAGRAMNET-50269 VSDX to PDF conversion, circular shape Fill color is changed 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-50328    VSDX to PDF conversion, incorrect formatting issues with text items 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-50329 Title text is not aligned on saving a VSDM to SVG 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-50600 VSDX to PDF conversion, wrong background color of the shapes 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-50605 VSDX to HTML conversion, wrong background color of the shapes 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51175 The title text is displaced on converting a VSDM to SVG 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51287 输出 VSDX - 更改宽度时形状显示不正确 漏洞