Aspose.Diagram for .NET 19.9 发行说明


钥匙 概括 类别
DIAGRAMNET-51683 Visio to HTML - Link in generated HTML does not work correctly 强化
DIAGRAMNET-51684 删除未使用的主形状和样式时,只有图像有问题 强化
DIAGRAMNET-51711 转换后无法添加宏 强化
DIAGRAMNET-50383 缩小 Visio diagram 的大小 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51682 从 Diagram 获取字体样式 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51685 Visio to SVG - an exception occurs 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51686 Visio to PNG - Output file has unwanted image and shapes 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51687 Visio to PDF - background color of text is absent in output PDF 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51688 Visio to PDF - Color of Shape Frames is different in output 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51689 Visio 到 JPG - 输出图像格式不正确 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51691 Visio to PDF - Some shapes are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51692 Visio to PDF - Some shapes are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51693 Visio to PDF - Some shapes are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51694 Visio to PDF - Some shapes are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51697 Visio to PDF - Some shapes are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51700 Visio to PDF - Some shapes/lines are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51702 Visio to PDF - Some shapes/lines are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51706 Visio to PDF - Some shapes/lines are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51707 Visio to PDF - Some shapes/lines are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51708 Visio to PDF - Some shapes/lines are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51709 Visio to PDF - Some shapes/lines are not correct 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51710 Visio to PDF - Some shapes/lines are not correct 漏洞

公共 API 和向后不兼容的更改

以下是对公众 API 所做的任何更改的列表,例如添加、重命名、删除或弃用成员,以及对 Aspose.Diagram for .NET 所做的任何非向后兼容更改。如果您对列出的任何更改有疑虑,请在Aspose.Diagram 支持论坛。

改变 目的 样本
外加的加粗到 Aspose.Shape.Char 指示字体是否为粗体。

Aspose.Diagram.Char ch = shape.Chars[0];


外加的斜体到 Aspose.Shape.Char 指示字体是否为斜体。

Aspose.Diagram.Char ch = shape.Chars[0];


外加的是下划线到 Aspose.Shape.Char 指示字体是否为下划线。

Aspose.Diagram.Char ch = shape.Chars[0];


外加的是双下划线到 Aspose.Shape.Char 指示字体是否为双下划线

Aspose.Diagram.Char ch = shape.Chars[0];


外加的是删除线到 Aspose.Shape.Char 指示字体是否有删除线。

Aspose.Diagram.Char ch = shape.Chars[0]


外加的是双删除线到 Aspose.Shape.Char 指示字体是否为双删除线

Aspose.Diagram.Char ch = shape.Chars[0];
