Aspose.Diagram for .NET 21.5 发行说明

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钥匙 概括 类别
DIAGRAMNET-52019 Convert Visio to HTML - incomplete pages in the output 强化
DIAGRAMNET-52021 一些形状道具没有得到更新 强化
DIAGRAMNET-50965 Missing a borderline and the text alignment problem on converting a VSDX to PNG 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-51035 Theme of shapes is not being preserved on converting a VSDX to PDF 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-52023 将 VSDX/VSDM 另存为 VSDX - API 引发异常 漏洞
DIAGRAMNET-52025 Visio to PDF - ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs 漏洞