Aspose.Email for CPP 20.11 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.Email for C++ 20.11.
Aspose.Email for C++ 20.11 is based on Aspose.Email for .NET 20.11.
New Features
Exchange Autodiscover Service Client
Aspose.Email for C++ now supports AutodiscoverService.
Code sample:
#include <Clients/Exchange/Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.h>
using namespace Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange;
void main()
System::String email = u"";
System::String password = u"testpassword";
System::SharedPtr<AutodiscoverService> svc = System::MakeObject<AutodiscoverService>();
svc->set_Credentials(System::MakeObject<System::Net::NetworkCredential>(email, password));
auto userSettings = svc->GetUserSettings(email, System::MakeArray<UserSettingName>({UserSettingName::ExternalEwsUrl}))->get_Settings();
System::String ewsUrl = System::ObjectExt::Unbox<System::String>(userSettings[UserSettingName::ExternalEwsUrl]);
System::Console::WriteLine(System::String(u"Auto discovered EWS Url: ") + ewsUrl);
Find more details in Aspose.Email for C++ documentation.
Retrieve Exchange Items With an Ascending/Descending Order Sorting
We’ve added sorting feature to MailQueryBuilder.
The following API has been added:
- Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::ComparisonField::OrderBy(bool ascending) - sets the value which indicates if the client uses ascending or descending sorting on the search field.
Code sample:
System::SharedPtr<MailQueryBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<MailQueryBuilder>();
builder->get_InternalDate()->Since(System::DateTime(2020, 1, 1));
builder->get_Subject()->OrderBy(true); // sort the subject ascending
builder->get_InternalDate()->OrderBy(false); // sort the date descending
System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> miColl = client->ListMessages(client->get_MailboxInfo()->get_InboxUri(), builder->GetQuery());
The full code of the example can be found at Aspose Email for C++ GitHub examples repository
- Product Documentation – Provides detailed examples of working with the API
- API Reference Guide – Details all the namespaces and classes of the API
- GitHub Examples – Provides ready to run API example
- Support Forum – Write to us if you have any query or inquiry about the API