Aspose.Email for CPP 20.9 Release Notes

Aspose.Email for C++ 20.9 is based on Aspose.Email for .NET 20.8.

New Features

RTF Compression While Setting MAPI Message Body

RTF compression allows to reduce the message size and the size of the created PST files.

The following overloaded methods have been added:

void MapiMessageItemBase::SetBodyContent(System::String content, BodyContentType contentType, bool compression);
void MapiMessageItemBase::SetBodyRtf(System::String content, bool compression);

The last compression parameter specifies that the content should be compressed.

Code Example

System::SharedPtr<MapiMessage> msg = System::MakeObject<MapiMessage>(u"", u"", u"subject", u"body");
// set the html body and keep it compressed
// this will reduce the message size
msg->SetBodyContent(htmlBody, Aspose::Email::Mapi::BodyContentType::Html, true);