Aspose.Email for CPP 21.1 Release Notes

Aspose.Email for C++ 21.1 is based on Aspose.Email for .NET 21.1.

New Features

Email Client Authentication Customization

We have added the ability to authenticate to an SMTP, POP or IMAP server using a specific authentication method. This allows you to set the authentication method for the mail client explicitly.

void ImapClient::set_AllowedAuthentication(ImapKnownAuthenticationType value);
ImapKnownAuthenticationType ImapClient::get_SupportedAuthentication();

Pop3KnownAuthenticationType Pop3Client::get_SupportedAuthentication();
void Pop3Client::set_AllowedAuthentication(Pop3KnownAuthenticationType value);

void SmtpClient::set_AllowedAuthentication(SmtpKnownAuthenticationType value);
SmtpKnownAuthenticationType SmtpClient::get_SupportedAuthentication();

Code sample:


Returning the Recurring Calendar Items Within the Specified Date Range

Now, EWSClient supports the return of the recurring calendar items within the range specified by StartDate and EndDate.

The following API has been added:

void AppointmentQueryBuilder::SetCalendarView(System::DateTime startDate, System::DateTime endDate, int32_t maxEntriesReturned);

If the CalendarView is specified, the service returns a list of single calendar items and occurrences of recurring calendar items within the range specified by StartDate and EndDate. maxEntriesReturned - Describes the maximum number of results. (Value <= 0 for all results).

Code sample:

System::SharedPtr<ExchangeQueryBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<ExchangeQueryBuilder>();
builder->get_Appointment()->SetCalendarView(System::DateTime::get_Now(), System::DateTime::get_Now().AddMonths(1), -1);
System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Appointment>> appointments = client->ListAppointments(builder->GetQuery());

The full code of the example can be found at Aspose Email for C++ GitHub examples repository.