Aspose.Email for CPP 21.6 Release Notes

Aspose.Email for C++ 21.6 is based on Aspose.Email for .NET 21.6.

New Enhancements

Using a return-client-request-id HTTP header in the EWSClient

The return-client-request-id header is sent in the request and used by the server to determine whether the client-request-id header specified by the client should be returned in the server response.

We have added the get_ReturnClientRequestId and set_ReturnClientRequestId methods to EWSClient:

// Gets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the  request id.
bool get_ReturnClientRequestId();
// Sets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the  request id.
void set_ReturnClientRequestId(bool value);

Code sample:

System::String user_email = u"xxx";
System::String user_password = u"xxx";
System::String server_url = u"xxx";

System::SharedPtr<System::Net::NetworkCredential> credentials = System::MakeObject<System::Net::NetworkCredential>(user_email, user_password);
System::SharedPtr<IEWSClient> client = EWSClient::GetEWSClient(server_url, credentials);
// Client will create random id and pass it to the server.
// The server should include this id in request-id header of all responses.


The full code of the example can be found at Aspose Email for C++ GitHub examples repository.