Aspose.Email for CPP 22.3 Release Notes

Aspose.Email for C++ 22.3 is based on Aspose.Email for .NET 22.2.

New Features

Support for the reference attachments

Changes in public API

Aspose::Email::ReferenceAttachment - represents a reference attachment. Aspose::Email::AttachmentPermissionType - The permission type data associated with a web reference attachment. Aspose::Email::AttachmentProviderType - The type of web service manipulating the attachment.

Code sample

auto eml = MailMessage::Load(u"fileName");

auto refAttach = System::MakeObject<ReferenceAttachment>(u"https://[attach_uri]")


Retrieving message class from ExchangeMessageInfo object

We have added MessageClass property to ExchangeMessageInfo class.

Code sample

auto client = EWSClient::GetEWSClient(uri, credentials)
auto messageInfoCollection = client->ListMessagesFromPublicFolder(publicFolder);

for (auto&& messageInfo : System::IterateOver<exchangeMessageInfo>(messageInfoCollection))
    Console::WriteLine(u"Message Class: {0}", messageInfo->get_MessageClass());