Aspose.Email for Java 18.2 Release Notes

Major Features

Features and Improvements

Key Summary Category
EMAILNET-38918 Metered license implementation New Feature
EMAILNET-38870 Calendar organizer is not set in the appointment Bug
EMAILJAVA-34328 Property can’t be set for MapiCalendar Bug
EMAILNET-38885 Error while retrieving MailMessage.HtmlBodyText Bug
EMAILNET-38899 Reading voting button response from MSG throws exception Bug
EMAILNET-38902 Extra tab character not trimmed while reading MessageId from fetched message Bug
EMAILNET-38904 url attachment in ics file is not recognized Bug
EMAILNET-38907 Creating MAPI contact for Outlook is not displaying Email address in the search contact list Bug
EMAILNET-38908 Bullets replaced with ‘?’ while creating MSG from html Bug
EMAILNET-38909 Attachment not detected now which was detected earlier in older versions Bug
EMAILNET-38910 Appointment.GetAppointmentHtml() returns html body without formatting and additional text Bug
EMAILNET-38911 PDF attachment not available in EML using Aspose.Email Bug
EMAILNET-38912 Issue when converting MapiMessage to MIME Bug
EMAILNET-38913 Html Bod saved as attachment while loading and saving EML Bug
EMAILNET-38915 Attachement.ContentDisposition.FileName not set while creating attachment Bug
EMAILNET-38916 Aspose.Email is not showing email body of a mail message in .msg file Bug
EMAILNET-38901 SmtpClient.Send raises exception while TLS1.2 is enabled Bug
EMAILJAVA-34341 Exception while adding EML to PST Bug

Added APIs

Class Metered Method Metered.#ctor Method Metered.getConsumptionQuantity Method Metered.setMeteredKey(String,String)

Removed APIs

Method PropertyDescriptor.getHashCode