Cancelling Meeting Requests with Calendar
You can send a meeting cancellation request with Aspose.Email using the Appointment Class object. You need to have the original meeting request information to cancel the request. The example in this article first sends a meeting request, saves the information in a database and then cancels the request based of the message ID.
Sending Meeting Requests
Before we can cancel meeting requests, we have to send some out:
- First create an instance of type SmtpClient for sending the message.
- Save all the attendee information in the MailAddressCollection collection.
- Create an instance of the MailMessage class and necessary properties like From, To and Subject.
- Create an instance of type Appointment and give location, start time, end time, organizers and attendees information.
- Save all the information in an database. DB related work is being done in the SaveIntoDB method.
The following code snippet shows you how to send meeting requests.
class Attendees {
public String MessageId;
public String EmailAddress;
public String DisplayName;
class Message {
public String MessageId;
public String From;
public String Subject;
public String Body;
public String AppLocation;
public Date AppStartDate;
public Date AppEndDate;
public String AppSummary;
public String AppDescription;
public void send(Attendees[] attendeesArr, String from, String appLocation, Date appStartDate, Date appEndDate) {
try {
// Create an instance of SMTPClient
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("MailServer", "Username", "Password");
// Get the attendees
MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection();
for (Attendees a : attendeesArr) {
attendees.addItem(new MailAddress(a.EmailAddress, a.DisplayName));
// Create an instance of MailMessage for sending the invitation
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
// Set from address, attendees
msg.setFrom(new MailAddress(from));
// Create am instance of Appointment
Appointment app = new Appointment(appLocation, appStartDate, appEndDate, new MailAddress(from), attendees);
app.setSummary("Monthly Meeting");
app.setDescription("Please confirm your availability.");
// Save the info to the database
if (saveIntoDB(msg, app) == true) {
// Save the message and Send the message with the meeting request + ".eml", SaveOptions.getDefaultEml());
System.out.println("message sent");
} catch (Exception ex) {
private boolean saveIntoDB(MailMessage msg, Appointment app) {
// Save Message and Appointment information
Message messageRow = new Message();
messageRow.MessageId = msg.getMessageId();
messageRow.From = msg.getFrom().getAddress();
messageRow.Subject = msg.getSubject();
messageRow.Body = msg.getBody();
messageRow.AppLocation = app.getLocation();
messageRow.AppStartDate = app.getStartDate();
messageRow.AppEndDate = app.getEndDate();
messageRow.AppSummary = app.getSummary();
messageRow.AppDescription = app.getDescription();
// Save attendee information
for (MailAddress address : app.getAttendees()) {
Attendees attendeesRow = new Attendees();
attendeesRow.MessageId = msg.getMessageId();
attendeesRow.EmailAddress = address.getAddress();
attendeesRow.DisplayName = address.getDisplayName();
return true;
Cancelling Meeting Request
To cancel a meeting request, first get the email message’s message ID. Since we have saved this information in a database for this example, we can easily get it again.
- Selecting the message for which to send the cancellation request.
- Click Send Cancel Request to send the request.
- Queries the database to get the attendee, message and calendar related information.
- Create an instances of the Calendar Class and MailMessage class classes using the information retrieved from the database.
- Use the Appointment.cancelAppointment() method to send the cancellation request.
- Send the mail using the SMTP.
The following code snippet shows you how to cancel the meeting request.
public void cancel(String messageId) {
// Get the message and calendar information from the database get the attendee information
// Get the attendee information in reader
Attendees[] attendeesRows = getAttendeesFromDB(messageId);
// Create a MailAddressCollection from the attendees found in the database
MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection();
for (Attendees attendeesRow : attendeesRows) {
attendees.addItem(new MailAddress(attendeesRow.EmailAddress, attendeesRow.DisplayName));
// Get message and calendar information
Message messageRow = getMessageFromDB(messageId);
// Create the Calendar object from the database information
Appointment app = new Appointment(messageRow.AppLocation, messageRow.AppSummary, messageRow.AppDescription, messageRow.AppStartDate, messageRow.AppEndDate,
new MailAddress(messageRow.From), attendees);
// Create message and Set from and to addresses and Add the cancel meeting request
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
msg.setFrom(new MailAddress(messageRow.From));
msg.setSubject("Cencel meeting");
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("", 587, "", "password");
System.out.println("cancellation request successfull");