Read Embedded Email Attachments from Message in Aspose.Email

Aspose.Email - Read Embedded Email Attachments from Message

Sometimes, we get emails with other emails embedded in them as attachments. These embedded emails are complete messages with their own recipient list, subject, body and even attachments. Each of these messages can also contian embedded messages. Using Aspose.Email Java, developers can access each embedded message as an individual message. This example shows to use the recursive functionality.


 MailMessage message = MailMessage.load(dataDir + "embedded.msg", MessageFormat.getMsg());

for (int i = 0; i < message.getAttachments().size(); i++)


    Attachment att = (Attachment) message.getAttachments().get_Item(i);

    System.out.println("Attachment Name: " + att.getName());

    // Get the name of attachment. If msg subject contains characters like :, /, \ etc., replace with space

    // because windows cannot save files with these characters

    // also save first 50 characters as file name to avoid long file names

    String attFileName = att.getName().replace(".eml", "").replace(":", " ").replace("\\", " ").replace("/", " ").replace("?", "");

    if (attFileName.length() > 50)


        attFileName = attFileName.substring(0, 50);


    String attExt = (att.getName().substring(att.getName().lastIndexOf("."), att.getName().lastIndexOf(".") + 4));

    // Save the attachment to disk + attFileName + attExt);

    // Check if it is an orphaned text attachment file (ATT00001.txt....) and of type eml

    if ((attExt.equals(".eml")) || (att.getContentType().getMediaType().equals("text/plain") && att.getName().contains(".txt") == true && att.getName().contains("ATT") == true))


        // Try to load this text file in MailMessage

        MailMessage attMsg = MailMessage.load(dataPath + attFileName + attExt, MessageFormat.getEml());

        // Call the function recursively to parse this message and attachments




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