Working with Distribution Lists

It is possible to create a Distribution list using Aspose.Email API that is a collection of multiple contacts. A distribution list can be saved to disk in Outlook MSG format and can be viewed/manipulated by opening it in MS Outlook.

Creating and Saving a Distribution List

The following code snippet shows you how to create and save a distribution list.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the File directory.
String dataDir = "outlook/";

String displayName1 = "Sebastian Wright";
String email1 = "";

String displayName2 = "Wichert Kroos";
String email2 = "";

String strEntryId1;
String strEntryId2;

// Create distribution list from contacts
try (PersonalStorage personalStorage = PersonalStorage.create(dataDir + "CreateDistributionListInPST_out.pst", FileFormatVersion.Unicode)) {
    // Add the contact folder to pst
    FolderInfo contactFolder = personalStorage.createPredefinedFolder("Contacts", StandardIpmFolder.Contacts);

    // Create contacts
    strEntryId1 = contactFolder.addMapiMessageItem(new MapiContact(displayName1, email1));
    strEntryId2 = contactFolder.addMapiMessageItem(new MapiContact(displayName2, email2));

    // Create distribution list on the base of the created contacts
    MapiDistributionListMember member1 = new MapiDistributionListMember(displayName1, email1);

    MapiDistributionListMember member2 = new MapiDistributionListMember(displayName2, email2);

    MapiDistributionListMemberCollection members = new MapiDistributionListMemberCollection();

    MapiDistributionList distributionList = new MapiDistributionList("Contact list", members);
    distributionList.setBody("Distribution List Body");
    distributionList.setSubject("Sample Distribution List using Aspose.Email");

    // Add distribution list to PST

// Create one-off distribution list members (for which no separate contacts were created)
try (PersonalStorage personalStorage = PersonalStorage.create(dataDir + "CreateDistributionListInPST_OneOffmembers_out.pst", FileFormatVersion.Unicode)) {
    // Add the contact folder to pst
    FolderInfo contactFolder = personalStorage.createPredefinedFolder("Contacts", StandardIpmFolder.Contacts);

    MapiDistributionListMemberCollection oneOffmembers = new MapiDistributionListMemberCollection();
    oneOffmembers.add(new MapiDistributionListMember("John R. Patrick", ""));
    oneOffmembers.add(new MapiDistributionListMember("Tilly Bates", ""));

    MapiDistributionList oneOffMembersList = new MapiDistributionList("Simple list", oneOffmembers);

Reading a Distribution List from a PST

The following code snippet shows you how to read a distribution list from a PST file.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the File directory.
String fileName = "outlook/message.msg";

MapiMessage message = MapiMessage.fromFile(fileName);
MapiDistributionList dlist = (MapiDistributionList)message.toMapiMessageItem();