Aspose.Email for .NET 19.10 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.Email for .NET 19.10
All Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
EMAILNET-39433 | Add support for AMP HTML emails | New Feature |
EMAILNET-39606 | Provide more accurate HTML to Text conversion. | Enhancement |
EMAILNET-39600 | HTML Body not correctly displayed | Enhancement |
EMAILNET-39594 | URL disappeared using MailMessage.HtmlBodyText | Enhancement |
EMAILNET-39603 | Empty To, CC, BCC fields when reading OLM file | Bug |
EMAILNET-39597 | How to set Return-Path header in Aspose.Email | Bug |
EMAILNET-39596 | Issue in using Aspose.Email with OAuth | Bug |
EMAILNET-39604 | Parsing To MailMessage fails | Bug |
EMAILNET-39599 | Wrong recurrence duration is set using API | Bug |
EMAILNET-39591 | Information is lost on saving EML as MSG | Bug |
EMAILNET-39586 | Formating issues on email body to MHTML conversion | Bug |
EMAILNET-39605 | DKIM failed using Aspose.Email | Bug |
EMAILNET-39607 | Corrupt MHT generated on saving EML | Bug |
EMAILNET-39613 | OLE object is missing in exported PDF | Bug |
EMAILNET-39612 | MailMessage.MessageId has a new value for each run | Bug |
EMAILNET-39627 | Parsing To fails | Bug |
Added APIs
Type | Title |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAnim |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpCarousel |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpMessage |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.CarouselType |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormMethod |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormTarget |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.Section |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeader |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType |
Class | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionValue |
Class | Aspose.Email.HyperlinkRenderingCallback |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.defaultHeight |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.defaultWidth |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.CarouselType.Carousel |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.CarouselType.Slides |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormMethod.Get |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormMethod.Post |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormTarget.Blank |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormTarget.Top |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormTarget.Undefined |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.Container |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.Fill |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.Fixed |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.FixedHeight |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.Flex |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.Intrinsic |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.Nodisplay |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.LayoutType.Responsive |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType.h1 |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType.h2 |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType.h3 |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType.h4 |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType.h5 |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType.h6 |
Field/Enum | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType.header |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion.#ctor |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAnim.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAnim.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.#ctor |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpCarousel.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpCarousel.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpCarousel.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent.#ctor |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText.#ctor(System.String) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.#ctor |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpMessage.#ctor |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpMessage.AddAmpComponent(Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpMessage.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Email.SaveOptions) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.#ctor(System.DateTime) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.#ctor(System.DateTime,System.Int32,System.Int32) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.#ctor |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.#ctor(System.String) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.#ctor(System.String,System.String) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.Section.#ctor |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.Section.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.Section.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeader.#ctor(Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeaderType,System.String) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionValue.#ctor(System.Object) |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionValue.ToAmpHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionValue.ToHtml |
Method | Aspose.Email.MailMessage.GetHtmlBodyText(Aspose.Email.HyperlinkRenderingCallback) |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion.DisableSessionStates |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion.ExpandSingleSection |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAccordion.Sections |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAnim.Attribution |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAnim.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.Height |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.Heigths |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.IsFallback |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.IsNoloading |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.IsPlaceHolder |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.Layout |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.Media |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.On |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.Sizes |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpAttributes.Width |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpCarousel.Images |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpCarousel.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpCarousel.Type |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent.Attributes |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent.Fallback |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent.Placeholder |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpComponent.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText.MaxFontSize |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText.MinFontSize |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpFitText.Value |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.Action |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.ActionXhr |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.Fieldset |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.Method |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpForm.Target |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.Alt |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.IsValid |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpImage.Src |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpMessage.AmpHtmlBody |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.Cutoff |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.DateTime |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.Locale |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.AmpTimeago.RequiredScript |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.Id |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.InputType |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.IsRequired |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.Label |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.Name |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.Placeholder |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.FormField.Value |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.Section.Expanded |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.Section.Header |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.Section.Value |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeader.Type |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionHeader.Value |
Property | Aspose.Email.Amp.SectionValue.Data |
Removed APIs
No Changes