Aspose.Email for .NET 20.3 Release Notes

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All Changes

Key Summary Category
EMAILNET-39716 Add streaming interface to OLMClient Feature
EMAILNET-39712 extraction of OLM files timeout Feature
EMAILNET-39731 Query by email attachment name using ExchangeQueryBuilder class Enhancement
EMAILNET-39753 Wrong encoded characters into Attachment Name is fetched Enhancement
EMAILNET-39755 QueryBuilder returning wrong number of email Bug
EMAILNET-39707 MapiPropertyContainer cannot be cast to MapiMessage Bug
EMAILNET-39759 Exception on reading message attachments from OLM storage Bug
EMAILNET-39762 On MSG conversion to MHTML the Exceptions has been thrown Bug
EMAILNET-39763 MailMessage.CheckSignature() throws exception in Evaluation mode. Bug
EMAILNET-39754 Read/Undread status is not maintained on adding messages to PST from Office 365 account Bug
EMAILNET-39765 Eml is not converted properly Bug
EMAILNET-39750 Aspose.Email does not display recipients and CC issues Bug
EMAILNET-39748 Thai characters in subject are rendered as ? on uploading calendar event from PST Bug

What is OLM storage?

OLM file is the storage file format of Outlook for Mac. OLM file is storing local data, such as emails, attachments, notes, calendar data, contacts, tasks, journal etc..

OLM file is only used by Mac Outlook. It can’t be accessed or opened by Outlook for Windows. The Windows version of Outlook supports only PST file format for storing data. Nonetheless, you can work with OLM files via Aspose.Email for .NET.

New API for working with OLM storages

We have added a new API for working with OLM storages. Message extraction from OLM storage is now more flexible and faster.

An OlmMessageInfo class has been added, which provides brief information about a message in the storage.

The OlmFolder class was extended by the following methods:

 //gets the subfolder by name

OlmFolder GetSubFolder(string subfolderName, bool ignoreCase);

//exposes the enumerator, which supports an iteration of MapiMessages in the current folder

IEnumerable<MapiMessage> EnumerateMapiMessages();

//exposes the enumerator, which supports an iteration of OlmMessageInfo's in the current folder

IEnumerable<OlmMessageInfo> EnumerateMessages();

//exposes the enumerator, which supports an iteration of OlmMessageInfo's within a given range

IEnumerable<OlmMessageInfo> EnumerateMessages(int startIndex, int count);

//exposes the enumerator, which supports an iteration of OlmMessageInfo's by search criteria

IEnumerable<OlmMessageInfo> EnumerateMessages(MailQuery query); 

The OlmStorage class was extended by the following methods:

 //load OLM storage from file

 static OlmStorage FromFile(string fileName); 

 //load OLM from stream

 static OlmStorage FromStream(Stream stream); 

 //gets the folder hierarchy

 List<OlmFolder> GetFolders(); 

 //gets the folder by name

 OlmFolder GetFolder(string name, bool ignoreCase); 

 //extracts the MapiMessage from OLM storage

 MapiMessage ExtractMapiMessage(OlmMessageInfo messageInfo); 

The following examples show the use of new methods:

 // Enumerates all messages in a given folder

using (OlmStorage olm = OlmStorage.FromFile(fileName))


    OlmFolder inbox = olm.GetFolder("inbox", true);

    foreach (OlmMessageInfo messageInfo in inbox.EnumerateMessages())





// Enumerates a range of messages in a given folder

using (OlmStorage olm = OlmStorage.FromFile(fileName))


    OlmFolder inbox = olm.GetFolder("inbox", true);

    int startIndex = 10;

    int count = 100;

    foreach (OlmMessageInfo messageInfo in inbox.EnumerateMessages(startIndex, count))





// Enumerates messages by search criteria

using (OlmStorage olm = OlmStorage.FromFile(fileName))


    OlmFolder inbox = olm.GetFolder("inbox", true);

    MailQueryBuilder mailQueryBuilder = new MailQueryBuilder();



    foreach (OlmMessageInfo messageInfo in inbox.EnumerateMessages(mailQueryBuilder.GetQuery()))





// Enumerates all messages and the extraction of some of them

using (OlmStorage olm = OlmStorage.FromFile(fileName))


    OlmFolder inbox = olm.GetFolder("inbox", true);

    foreach (OlmMessageInfo messageInfo in inbox.EnumerateMessages()


      if (messageInfo.HasAttachments)


        MapiMessage msg = olm.ExtractMessage(messageInfo);




Query by email attachment name using ExchangeQueryBuilder class

New property was added to ExchangeQueryBuilder class:

 // Gets the field that allows to find items with a specified attachment name.

StringComparisonField AttachmentName

Code sample:

 ExchangeQueryBuilder builder = new ExchangeQueryBuilder();


MailQuery query = builder.GetQuery();

ExchangeMessageInfoCollection messages = ewsClient.ListMessages(client.MailboxInfo.InboxUri, query, false);