Creating an Outlook Contact
This migration tip shows how to create a Microsot Outlook contact using Microsoft Office Automation and Aspose.Email. The code sample shows how to set different information of a Contact such as Personal, Professional and Business information. Creating an Outlook contact consists of the following steps:
- Creating a Contact object.
- Populating or setting the property’s various properties.
- Saving the object.
Office Automation
To use Office Automation, Microsoft Outlook must be installed on the machine that the code runs on. A reference to Outlook.interop.dll is also required.
Programming Samples
The following code snippet creates an Outlook contact in VCard format and saves it to disc using Office Automation.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Application OutlookObject = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
//Create a new Contact Item
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ContactItem contact = OutlookObject.CreateItem(
//Set different properties of this Contact Item.
contact.FirstName = "Mellissa";
contact.LastName = "MacBeth";
contact.JobTitle = "Account Representative";
contact.CompanyName = "Contoso Ltd.";
contact.OfficeLocation = "36/2529";
contact.BusinessTelephoneNumber = "4255551212 x432";
contact.BusinessAddressStreet = "1 Microsoft Way";
contact.BusinessAddressCity = "Redmond";
contact.BusinessAddressState = "WA";
contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode = "98052";
contact.BusinessAddressCountry = "United States of America";
contact.Email1Address = "";
contact.Email1AddressType = "SMTP";
contact.Email1DisplayName = "Melissa MacBeth (";
//Save the Contact to disc
contact.SaveAs("OutlookContact.vcf", OlSaveAsType.olVCard);
Aspose.Email for .NET
The samples below use Aspose.Email to create the Outlook contact in VCard format and save it to disc. The example shows how to create a contact using the MapiContact class and setting the contact details in the object before saving the contact.
Programming Samples
//Create a new MapiContact Object
MapiContact mapiContact = new MapiContact();
//Set different properties of this Contact object
mapiContact.NameInfo = new MapiContactNamePropertySet("Mellissa", "", "MacBeth");
mapiContact.ProfessionalInfo.Title = "Account Representative";
mapiContact.ProfessionalInfo.CompanyName = "Contoso Ltd.";
mapiContact.ProfessionalInfo.OfficeLocation = "36/2529";
mapiContact.Telephones.BusinessTelephoneNumber = "4255551212 x432";
mapiContact.PhysicalAddresses.WorkAddress.Street = "1 Microsoft Way";
mapiContact.PhysicalAddresses.WorkAddress.City = "Redmond";
mapiContact.PhysicalAddresses.WorkAddress.StateOrProvince = "WA";
mapiContact.PhysicalAddresses.WorkAddress.PostalCode = "98052";
mapiContact.PhysicalAddresses.WorkAddress.Country = "United States of America";
mapiContact.ElectronicAddresses.Email1.EmailAddress = "";
mapiContact.ElectronicAddresses.Email1.AddressType = "SMTP";
mapiContact.ElectronicAddresses.Email1.DisplayName = "Melissa MacBeth (";
//Save the Contact object to disc
mapiContact.Save("Contact.vcf", ContactSaveFormat.VCard);