How to use GraphClient for Microsoft Graph

Working with GraphClient

Microsoft Graph The implementation of Graph Client in Aspose.Email for .NET, allows to access Microsoft Graph from our API. In the examples below we will create an instance of MS Graph Client, providing the token into it. Then, we will examine the main methods to manage folders, update them, copy and delete. Messages, their content and attachments can also be accessed or changed with our MS Graph Client. Managing categories, rules, notebooks and overrides is an extended feature of Microsoft Graph Client by Aspose.Email, which you will learn with ease.

Create GraphClient Object

Create IGraphClient object to make requests against the service. After you have a IGraphClient that is authenticated, you can begin making calls against the service.

A GetClient method requires an ITokenProvider implementation instance as the first parameter.

To get the token we’ll use Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET.

The following are the steps to get authorization token.

  • Create an AccessParameters class to store credentials.
  • Add the Microsoft.Identity.Client nuget package that contains the binaries of the MSAL.NET.
  • Implement an ITokenProvider, and create a method accepting access parameters and using MSAL.NET to get an access token.

To keep the credentials add the following AccessParameters class:

public class AccessParameters
    public string TenantId { get; init; }
    public string ClientId { get; init; }
    public string ClientSecret { get; init; }
    public string UserId { get; init; }
    public Uri Authority => new ($"{TenantId}");
    public string ApiUrl => "";

Create the GraphTokenProvider class that implements an ITokenProvider interface. Use the Microsoft.Identity.Client library to get a token. See the example of such implementation:

using Microsoft.Identity.Client;
using Microsoft.Identity.Web;
using Aspose.Email.Clients;

public class GraphTokenProvider : ITokenProvider
    private readonly IConfidentialClientApplication _app;
    private readonly string[] _scopes;
    private string? _token;

    public GraphTokenProvider(AccessParameters accessParams)
        _app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(accessParams.ClientId)


        _scopes = new[] { accessParams.ApiUrl };

    public void Dispose()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public OAuthToken GetAccessToken()
        return GetAccessToken(false);

    public OAuthToken GetAccessToken(bool ignoreExistingToken)
        if (!ignoreExistingToken && _token != null)
            return new OAuthToken(_token);

        _token = GetAccessTokenAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
        return new OAuthToken(_token);

    private async Task<string?> GetAccessTokenAsync()
        AuthenticationResult? result;

            result = await _app.AcquireTokenForClient(_scopes)

            Console.WriteLine("Token acquired");
        catch (MsalServiceException ex) when (ex.Message.Contains("AADSTS70011"))
            Console.WriteLine("Scope provided is not supported");
            result = null;

        if (result == null) return null;
        _token = result.AccessToken;
        return result.AccessToken;

Next, create an AccessParameters class instance:

var accessParams = new AccessParameters()
    TenantId = "Your Tenant ID",
    ClientId = "Your Client ID",
    ClientSecret = "Your Client Secret",
    UserId = "User's Object ID"

Finally, create an ITokenProvider instance and call a GetClient method. Pass the tokenProvider as its first parameter and accessParams.TenantId as the second one:

var tokenProvider = new GraphTokenProvider(accessParams);

using var client = GraphClient.GetClient(tokenProvider, accessParams.TenantId);

client.Resource = ResourceType.Users;
client.ResourceId = accessParams.UserId;

Manage Folders

List Folders

By calling ListFolders method from Ms Graph Client, its possible to get the list of folders. Each folder has a set of parameters like DisplayName, which can be read in FolderInfo type.

var folders = client.ListFolders();

foreach (var folder in folders)

Update Folder

To create folder with Ms Graph Client, use CreateFolder method. You will get FolderInfo object and the possibility to access DisplayName, ItemId, HasSubFolders and other properties.

var folderInfo = client.CreateFolder("FolderName");
folderInfo.DisplayName = "FolderAnotherName";

Copy Folder

CopyFolder method is the key method to copy the folder object with MS Graph.

var folderInfo1 = client.CreateFolder("Folder1");
var folderInfo2 = client.CreateFolder("Folder2");
// copy Folder2 to Folder1
client.CopyFolder(folderInfo1.ItemId, folderInfo2.ItemId);

Move and Delete Folder

Use MoveFolder method is used to move the folder, it accepts newParentId and itemId. Delete method is used to delete method by id.

var folderInfo1 = client.CreateFolder("Folder1");
var folderInfo2 = client.CreateFolder("Folder2");
// move Folder2 to Folder1
client.MoveFolder(folderInfo1.ItemId, folderInfo2.ItemId);
// delete Folder1

Manage Messages

MS Graph Client, implemented in Aspose.Email for .NET provides a set of methos to manage messages and attachments:

List Messages

var folders = client.ListFolders();

foreach (var folder in folders)
    if (folder.DisplayName.Equals("Inbox"))
        // list messages in inbox
        var inboxMessages = client.ListMessages(folder.ItemId);

        foreach (var messageInfo in inboxMessages)

Fetch Message

var folders = client.ListFolders();

foreach (var folder in folders)
    if (folder.DisplayName.Equals("Inbox"))
        // list messages in inbox
        var inboxMessages = client.ListMessages(folder.ItemId);

        if (inboxMessages.Count > 0)
            // fetch the first message in inbox
            var msg = client.FetchMessage(inboxMessages[0].ItemId);

Create Message

var msg = new MapiMessage(OutlookMessageFormat.Unicode)
    Subject = "My message",
    Body = "Hi, it is my message"

msg.Recipients.Add("", "Sam", MapiRecipientType.MAPI_TO);

// create message in inbox
client.CreateMessage(KnownFolders.Inbox, msg);

Send Message

// prepare the message
var msg = new MapiMessage(OutlookMessageFormat.Unicode)
    Subject = "My message",
    Body = "Hi, it is my message"

msg.Recipients.Add("", "Sam", MapiRecipientType.MAPI_TO);
msg.SetProperty(KnownPropertyList.SenderName, "John");
msg.SetProperty(KnownPropertyList.SentRepresentingEmailAddress, "");

// send message

Send Draft Message

// prepare the message
var msg = new MapiMessage(OutlookMessageFormat.Unicode)
    Subject = "My message",
    Body = "Hi, it is my message"

msg.Recipients.Add("", "Sam", MapiRecipientType.MAPI_TO);
msg.SetProperty(KnownPropertyList.SenderName, "John");
msg.SetProperty(KnownPropertyList.SentRepresentingEmailAddress, "");

// add message to Draft folder
var draftMessage = client.CreateMessage(KnownFolders.Drafts, msg);

// send a draft message

Copy Message

// copy message to Inbox folder
var copiedMsg = client.CopyMessage(KnownFolders.Inbox, msg.ItemId);

Move Message

// move message to Inbox folder
var movedMsg = client.MoveMessage(KnownFolders.Inbox, msg.ItemId);

Manage Attachments

// create an attachment
var attachment = new MapiAttachment();
attachment.SetProperty(KnownPropertyList.DisplayName, "My Attachment");
attachment.SetProperty(KnownPropertyList.AttachDataBinary, new byte[1024]);

// add an attachment to message
var createdAttachment = client.CreateAttachment(messageInfo.ItemId, attachment);

// fetch a message attachment
var fetchedAttachment = client.FetchAttachment(createdAttachment.ItemId);

// delete a message attachment 

// list the message attachments
var attachments = client.ListAttachments(messageInfo.ItemId);   

Manage Categories

To manage categories with MS Graph by Aspose.Email for .NET, use the following methods:

// create a custom category with Orange color
var category = client.CreateCategory("My custom category", CategoryPreset.Preset1);

// fetch a category
var fetchedCategory = client.FetchCategory(category.Id);

// update category (change color to brown)
fetchedCategory.Preset = CategoryPreset.Preset2;
var updatedCategory = client.UpdateCategory(fetchedCategory);

// list available categories
var categories = client.ListCategories();

foreach (var cat in categories)

// delete a category

Manage Overrides

To manage overrides with MS Graph by Aspose.Email for .NET, use the following methods:

// Create an user's override
var userOverride = client.CreateOrUpdateOverride
    (new MailAddress("", "JohnBrown"), ClassificationType.Focused);

// list the overrides
var overrides = client.ListOverrides();

// update override
userOverride.Sender.DisplayName = "John Brown";
var updatedOverride = client.UpdateOverride(userOverride);

// delete override

Manage Rules

To manage rules with MS Graph by Aspose.Email for .NET, use the following methods:

// Create a rule
var rule = PrepareRule("", "User");
var createdRule = client.CreateRule(rule);

// List all rules defined for Inbox
var rules = client.ListRules();

// Fetch a rule
var fetchedRule = client.FetchRule(createdRule.RuleId);

// Update a rule
fetchedRule.DisplayName = "Renamed rule";
fetchedRule.IsEnabled = false;
var updatedRule = client.UpdateRule(createdRule);

// Delete a rule
InboxRule PrepareRule(string email, string displayName)
    var rule = new InboxRule()
        DisplayName = "My rule",
        Priority = 1,
        IsEnabled = true,
        Conditions = new RulePredicates(),
        Actions = new RuleActions()

    rule.Conditions.ContainsSenderStrings = new StringCollection { displayName };
    rule.Actions.ForwardToRecipients = new MailAddressCollection
        { new MailAddress(email, displayName, true) };
    rule.Actions.StopProcessingRules = true;

    return rule;

Manage Notebooks

To manage notebooks with MS Graph by Aspose.Email for .NET, use the following methods:

// create a OneNote notebook
var newNotebook = new Notebook()
    DisplayName = "My Notebook"
var createdNotebook = client.CreateNotebook(newNotebook);

// fetch a notebook
var fetchedNotebook = client.FetchNotebook(createdNotebook.Id);

// list the notebooks
var notebooks = client.ListNotebooks();