Working with Outlook Calendar Items

Working with MapiCalendar

Aspose.Email’s MapiCalendar class provides methods and attributes to set various properties of a calendar item. This article provides code samples for:

Creating and Saving Calendar items

The following code snippet shows you how to create and save a calendar item in ICS format.

Saving the Calendar item as MSG

The following code snippet shows you how to save the calendar item as MSG.

Adding display reminder to a Calendar

The following code snippet shows you how to add a display reminder to a calendar.

Adding audio reminder to a Calendar

The following code snippet shows you how to add an audio reminder to a calendar.

Add/Retrieve attachments from Calendar files

The following code snippet shows you how to add/retrieve attachments from calendar files.

Status of Recipients from a Meeting Request

The following code snippet shows you how to show the status of recipients from a meeting request.

Create MapiCalendarTimeZone from Standard Timezone

The following code snippet shows you how to Create MapiCalendarTimeZone from standard Timezone.

Setting Reminder with the Created Appointment

A reminder can be added when an appointment is created. These alarms can trigger based on different criteria like n minutes before the schedule starts, repeat n times at n intervals. Different tags can be used to create these triggers in the script enclosed by BEGIN:VALARM and END:VALARM within an appointment. There is a number of variants in which the reminder can be set on an appointment.

Setting a Reminder by Adding Tags

The following code snippet shows you how to set a reminder by adding tags.

Convert Appointment EML to MSG with HTML Body

Since version 19.3, Aspose.Email provides the ability to convert Appointment EML to MSG while retaining the HTML body of the appointment. Aspose.Email provides a MapiConversionOptions.ForcedRtfBodyForAppointment property which has a default value of true. When the value of MapiConversionOptions.ForcedRtfBodyForAppointment is set to true, the appointment body is converted to RTF format. To keep the appointment body format in HTML format, set the value of MapiConversionOptions.ForcedRtfBodyForAppointment to false.

The following example demonstrates the use of MapiConversionOptions.ForcedRtfBodyForAppointment property to keep the appointment body format in HTML format.