Supported Features

The following table summarizes the features available in Aspose.HTML for Java API.

Aspose.HTML for Java Features

Aspose.HTML for Java is a powerful programming library designed to help developers work with HTML and other web formats without problems. This API provides a robust set of functions for creating, manipulating, navigating, and converting documents such as HTML, XHTML, SVG, EPUB, MHTML, and MD into various output formats. Built on W3C specifications, Aspose.HTML for Java ensures a developer-friendly experience with intuitive class and property names that are closely aligned with standards.

This API mimics the behavior of a headless browser and offers following features.

  1. Creating or opening an existing HTML document from different sources:
    • File: Open an HTML file from your local machine.
    • Stream: Read and load HTML content directly from a stream.
    • URL: Load HTML documents from the web via URLs.
    • From Scratch: Create an HTML document programmatically using the API.
  2. HTML Manipulation: creating, editing, removing and replacing HTML nodes via API.
  3. Saving HTML document.
  4. Extracting CSS styles for particular HTML node.
  5. Configuring a document sandbox that affects the processing of HTML documents i.e. CSS styles in some cases are dependent on screen size and we allow to configure environment independently of an execution machine.
  6. Navigation through HTML document in different ways:
  7. Scripting that allows to manipulate HTML DOM via JavaScript.
  8. Converting HTML document into various supported formats: PDF, XPS, DOCX, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, MD, and MHTML.
  9. Converting XHTML and similar formats, such as EPUB and MHTML to PDF, XPS, DOCX, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and GIF formats.


The URL object is based on Java Framework implementation according to w3c URL specification. The difference between Framework and w3c is an order of constructor parameters

General Features

HTML and XHTML Support

Aspose.HTML for Java provides support for modern HTML and XHTML standards, enabling you to work confidently with the latest web technologies.

Namespaces structure in API


Text Features

Aspose.HTML for Java provides robust text-handling capabilities for HTML documents:

Document Features

Aspose.HTML for Java offers extensive tools for manipulating and converting HTML documents. You can create, edit, delete, and replace HTML nodes, giving you full control over the document structure. The API also lets you extract CSS styles associated with specific HTML nodes, allowing for detailed style analysis.

The library supports converting HTML to a wide range of formats, including:

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