Supported File Formats – Aspose.HTML for Java

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Supported File Formats

The following table indicates the file formats that Aspose.HTML for Java can load and save.

HTMLHTML formatticktick
XHTMLHTML with XML syntaxticktickSave option is only available when the input file is XHTML
MHTMLMHTML (Web archive) formatticktickSave option is only available when saving MHTML document
EPUBE-book file formattick
SVGScalable Vector Graphics formatticktickSave option is only available when the input file is SVG
MDMarkdown FormatticktickSave option is only available when saving HTML document
PDFSaves the document is PDF formattick
XPSSaves the document in the XPS (XML Paper Specification) formattick
TIFFRenders a page or pages of the document and saves them into a single or multi-page TIFF filetick
JPEGRenders a page of the document and saves it as a JPEG filetick
PNGRenders a page of the document and saves it as a PNG filetick
BMPRenders a page of the document and saves it as a BMP filetick
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