Aspose.Imaging for Java 19.7 - Release Notes

Key Summary Category
IMAGINGJAVA-1311 Saving PSD into PDF does not provide selectable text Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1327 Support optimization strategy in PartialRotater class Feature
 IMAGINGJAVA-1322 Support for OTG (OpenDocument graphics template) Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1323 EMF to PNG conversion gives the wrong position of the text labels Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1308 SVG converting results in strange PNGs Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1304 Support for DPI settings in PDFOptions Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1329 No true conversion from WMF to SVG Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1315 Converting Jpeg to Tiff results in improper green overlay Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1313 File from font folder is locked Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1330 Aspose.Imaging issue with resize SVG image Enhancement
Psd off notice:
Please switch to Aspose.PSD for PSD loading functionality. The functionality will be removed in the nearest releases of Aspose.Imaging

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 19.7 version

Removed APIs:

No Change

Usage Examples:


IMAGINGJAVA-1311 - Saving PSD into PDF does not provide selectable text

// Converting text as vector objects Image image = Image.load(“text.psd”); try { + “text_vector.pdf”, new PdfOptions()); } finally {     image.close(); }

// Old-style conversion with full rasterization Image image = Image.load(“text.psd”, new PsdLoadOptions() {{ setReadOnlyMode(true); }}); try { + “text_raster.pdf”, new PdfOptions()); } finally {     image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1327 - Support optimization strategy in PartialRotater class

// Setting a memory limit of 50 megabytes for target loaded image Image image = Image.load(inputImagePath, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50);}}); try {     // perform RotateFlip operation     image.rotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone);     // perform Rotate operation     ((RasterImage)image).rotate(60); // rotate 60 degrees clockwise } finally {     image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1322 - Support for OTG (OpenDocument graphics template)

           String baseFolder = “D:\"; String fileName = “VariousObjectsMultiPage.otg”; ImageOptionsBase[] options = { new PngOptions(), new PdfOptions() }; for (ImageOptionsBase item : options) {    String inputFileName = baseFolder + fileName;    String fileExt = item instanceof PngOptions ? “.png” : “.pdf”;    String outputFileName = baseFolder + fileName + fileExt;    Image image = Image.load(inputFileName);    try    {        OtgRasterizationOptions otgRasterizationOptions = new OtgRasterizationOptions();        otgRasterizationOptions.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize()));        item.setVectorRasterizationOptions(otgRasterizationOptions);, item);     }    finally     {        image.close();     } }

IMAGINGJAVA-1323 - EMF to PNG conversion gives the wrong position of the text labels

final Image image = Image.load(“Picture1.emf”); try {             “Picture1.emf.png”,             new PngOptions()             {{                 setVectorRasterizationOptions(new EmfRasterizationOptions()                 {{                     setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize()));                 }});             }}); } finally {     image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1308 - SVG converting results in strange PNGs

Image image = Image.load(“test aspose bpmn io 2.svg”); try {     PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();     SvgRasterizationOptions svgRasterizationOptions = new SvgRasterizationOptions();     svgRasterizationOptions.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize()));     pngOptions.setVectorRasterizationOptions(svgRasterizationOptions);“test aspose bpmn io 2.svg.png”, pngOptions); } finally {     image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1304 - Support for DPI settings in PDFOptions

String baseFolder = “D:\"; String fileName = “standardSize.tif”; String inputFileName = baseFolder + fileName; String outFileName = inputFileName + “.pdf”; Image image = Image.load(inputFileName); try {    PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();    pdfOptions.setPageSize(new SizeF(612, 792));, pdfOptions); } finally {    image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1329 - No true conversion from WMF to SVG

           public void IMAGINGJAVA_1329() throws IOException {    String baseFolder = “D:\";     String fileName = “image2.wmf”;     String inputFileName = baseFolder + fileName;     Image image = Image.load(inputFileName);     try     {         String script = ((WmfImage)image).getPostScript();         String ethlonScript = loadEthalong(inputFileName + “.ps”);         if (!script.equals(ethlonScript))         {             throw new RuntimeException(“script not equal to ethalon script”);         }    }    finally     {        image.close();     } }

private static String loadEthalong(String ethalon) throws IOException {    InputStream file = new FileInputStream(ethalon);    try    {        byte[] bufff = new byte[file.available()];;        return new String(bufff);     }    finally     {        file.close();     } }

IMAGINGJAVA-1315 - Converting Jpeg to Tiff results in improper green overlay

Image image = Image.load(“input.jpg”); try {“output.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb)); } finally {     image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1313 - File from font folder is locked

           String baseFolder = “D:\"; String fontsFolder = baseFolder +  “fonts\";

//Create font folder File dir = new File(fontsFolder); if (!dir.exists()) {    dir.mkdirs(); }

//Copy font to font folder String fontFile = fontsFolder + “foo.ttf”; File file = new File(fontFile); if (!file.exists()) {    Files.copy(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(baseFolder + “foo.ttf”), file.toPath()); }

//Set fonts path List fonts = new ArrayList(); Collections.addAll(fonts, FontSettings.getDefaultFontsFolders()); fonts.add(fontsFolder); FontSettings.setFontsFolders(fonts.toArray(new String[0]), true);

//Open image String inputFile = baseFolder + “grinched-regular-font.psd”; String outputFile = inputFile + “.png”; Image image = Image.load(inputFile); try {    PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();, saveOptions); } finally {    image.close(); }

//Delete font folder for (File item : dir.listFiles()) {    item.delete(); } if (!dir.delete())    throw new RuntimeException(“Can not delete the base folder!");

IMAGINGJAVA-1330 - Aspose.Imaging issue with resize SVG image

           String baseFolder = “D:\temp\Errors\IMAGINGJAVA_1309\"; String inputFileName = baseFolder + “logotype.svg”; float scale = 10f; Image image = Image.load(inputFileName); try {    PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();    SvgRasterizationOptions svgRasterizationOptions = new SvgRasterizationOptions();    svgRasterizationOptions.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize()));    svgRasterizationOptions.setScaleX(scale);    svgRasterizationOptions.setScaleY(scale);    pngOptions.setVectorRasterizationOptions(svgRasterizationOptions);".png”, pngOptions); } finally {    image.close(); }