Aspose.Imaging for Java 19.9 - Release Notes

Key Summary Category
IMAGINGJAVA-1376 Support optimization strategy in basic raster image filtering operations Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1370 Support optimization strategy in dithering operations in RasterCachedImage class Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1360 Support optimization strategy in basic image Resize operations Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1380 Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Bmp format Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1379 Rotation of Image Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1341 Tiff inverts black and white after saving or transforming Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1369 EMF Generation is Too Slow Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1290 Jpg not properly converted to PNG Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1383 Optimize a process of exporter from SVG to raster formats. Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1289 EMF not properly converted to SVG Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1355 SVG to PNG - incorrect conversion Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1331 After conversion .emf to .png some characters are not recognized correctly Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1362 SetFontsFolder doesn’t work on Linux Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1339 Aspose.Imaging Emf save MSPaint compatibility Enhancement

Psd off notice:

Please switch to Aspose.PSD for PSD loading functionality. The functionality will be removed in the nearest releases of Aspose.Imaging

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 19.9 version

Removed APIs:

No Change

Usage Examples:


IMAGINGJAVA-1370 Support optimization strategy in dithering operations in RasterCachedImage class

// Setting a memory limit of 50 megabytes for target loaded image RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.load(imageFilePath, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { // perform dithering operation image.dither(DitheringMethod.FloydSteinbergDithering, 1); } finally { image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1360 Support optimization strategy in basic image Resize operations

// Setting a memory limit of 50 megabytes for target loaded image Image image = Image.load(“imageFilePath”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }});  try { // perform Resize operation image.resize(300, 200, ResizeType.LanczosResample); } finally { image.close(); } ```

IMAGINGJAVA-1376 Support optimization strategy in basic raster image filtering operations

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “BigRectangularFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new BigRectangularFilterOptions(); rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“BigRectangularFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “SmallRectangularFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new SmallRectangularFilterOptions(); rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“SmallRectangularFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “MedianFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new MedianFilterOptions(6 /size/); rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“MedianFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “MedianFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new GaussWienerFilterOptions(5 /radius/, 1.5 /smooth/) {{ setBrightness(1); setSnr(0.003); }}; rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“GaussWienerFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “MotionWienerFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new MotionWienerFilterOptions(10 /length/, 1 /smooth/, 0 /angle/) {{ setBrightness(1); setSnr(0.007); }}; rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“MotionWienerFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “GaussianBlurFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new GaussianBlurFilterOptions(5 /radius/, 4 /sigma/); rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“GaussianBlurFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “SharpenFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new SharpenFilterOptions(); rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“SharpenFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “BilateralSmoothingFilter” filtering RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { FilterOptionsBase filterOptions = new BilateralSmoothingFilterOptions(3 /size/); rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), filterOptions);“BilateralSmoothingFilter.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “BinarizeFixed” filtering operation RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { rasterImage.binarizeFixed((byte)180 /threshold/);“BinarizeFixed.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “BinarizeOtsu” filtering operation RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { rasterImage.binarizeOtsu();“BinarizeOtsu.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “BinarizeBradley” filtering operation RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { rasterImage.binarizeBradley(-2 /brightness difference/);“BinarizeBradley.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “Grayscale” filtering operation RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { rasterImage.grayscale();“Grayscale.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “AdjustBrightness” filtering operation RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { rasterImage.adjustBrightness(70 /brightness/);“AdjustBrightness.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “AdjustContrast” filtering operation RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { rasterImage.adjustContrast(50 /contrast/);“AdjustContrast.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

// Limit memory usage (50 Mb) for the “AdjustGamma” filtering operation RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.load(“inputImage.png”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try { rasterImage.adjustGamma(3 /gamma/);“AdjustGamma.png”); } finally { rasterImage.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1362 SetFontsFolder doesn’t work on Linux

String baseFolder = “D:\"; String fontsFolder = baseFolder +  “fonts\";

//Create font folder File dir = new File(fontsFolder); if (!dir.exists()) {    dir.mkdirs(); }

//Copy font to font folder String fontFile = fontsFolder + “GrinchedRegular.otf”; File file = new File(fontFile); if (!file.exists()) {    Files.copy(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(baseFolder + “GrinchedRegular.otf”), file.toPath()); }

//Set fonts path List fonts = new ArrayList(); Collections.addAll(fonts, FontSettings.getDefaultFontsFolders()); fonts.add(fontsFolder); FontSettings.setFontsFolders(fonts.toArray(new String[0]), true);

//Open image String inputFile = baseFolder + “grinched-regular-font.psd”; String outputFile = inputFile + “.png”; Image image = Image.load(inputFile); try {    PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();, saveOptions); } finally {    image.close(); }

//Delete font folder for (File item : dir.listFiles()) {    item.delete(); } if (!dir.delete())    throw new RuntimeException(“Can not delete the base folder!");

IMAGINGJAVA-1289 EMF not properly converted to SVG

String baseFolder = “D:\"; String fileName = “image7.emf”; String inputFileName = baseFolder + fileName; String outputFileName = inputFileName + “.svg”; Image image = Image.load(inputFileName); try { EmfRasterizationOptions vecOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions(); vecOptions.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize())); SvgOptions svgOptions = new SvgOptions(); svgOptions.setVectorRasterizationOptions(vecOptions);, svgOptions); } finally { image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1369 EMF Generation is Too Slow

Result of Aspose.Imaging for Java 19.8 EMF Imaging time: 3.095001659 Result of Aspose.Imaging for Java 19.7 EMF Imaging time: 5.156497722 sec.

public void IMAGINGJAVA_1369() { long imagingTime = this.testEmfImagingPerformance(); System.out.println(“EMF Imaging time: " + imagingTime / 1000000000.0 + " sec."); }

private long testEmfImagingPerformance() { //generate path PointF[] polyline = new PointF[1000]; GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(); Figure figure = new Figure(); path.addFigure(figure); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)  {

 for (int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j)   {   polyline[j] = new PointF(i * 10, j);   }

 figure.addShape(new PolygonShape(polyline));  }

long tmStart = System.nanoTime(); ByteArrayOutputStream ms = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try  {  for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)   {   EmfRecorderGraphics2D emfGraphics =     new EmfRecorderGraphics2D(new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 1000), new Size(1000, 1000),       new Size(10, 10));   emfGraphics.drawPath(new Pen(Color.getRed(), 1), path);   Image image = emfGraphics.endRecording();   try    {;    }   finally    {    image.close();    }   }  } finally  {  try   {   ms.close();   }  catch (IOException ignore)   {

  }  }

return System.nanoTime() - tmStart; }

IMAGINGJAVA-1355 SVG to PNG - incorrect conversion

String baseFolder = “D:\"; String inputFileName = baseFolder + “fw4.svg”; String outputFileName = inputFileName + “.png”; final Image image = Image.load(inputFileName, new SvgLoadOptions()      {{      setDefaultWidth(800); setDefaultHeight(800);      }}); try {, new PngOptions()       {{        setVectorRasterizationOptions(new SvgRasterizationOptions()        {{         setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize()));         }});       }}); } finally { image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1380 Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Bmp format

// Setting a memory limit of 50 megabytes for target loaded image Image image = Image.load(“inputFile.bmp”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(50); }}); try {“outputFile_1_bit.bmp”,   new BmpOptions() {{ setBitsPerPixel(1); setPalette(ColorPaletteHelper.createMonochrome()); }});“outputFile_4_bits.bmp”,  new BmpOptions() {{ setBitsPerPixel(4); setPalette(ColorPaletteHelper.create4Bit()); }});“outputFile_8_bits.bmp”,  new BmpOptions() {{ setBitsPerPixel(8); setPalette(ColorPaletteHelper.create8Bit()); }});“outputFile_16_bits.bmp”, new BmpOptions() {{ setBitsPerPixel(16); }});“outputFile_24_bits.bmp”, new BmpOptions() {{ setBitsPerPixel(24); }});“outputFile_32_bits.bmp”, new BmpOptions() {{ setBitsPerPixel(32); }}); } finally { image.close(); }

// Setting a memory limit of 50 megabytes for target created image ImageOptionsBase createOptions = new BmpOptions() {{ setBitsPerPixel(24); }}; createOptions.setBufferSizeHint(50); createOptions.setSource(new FileCreateSource(“createdFile.bmp”, false)); image = Image.create(createOptions, 1000, 1000); try {; // save to same location } finally { image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1341 Tiff inverts black and white after saving or transforming 

Image image = Image.load(“sampletiff.tiff”); try {“output.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffNoCompressionRgb)); } finally {  image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1331 After conversion .emf to .png some characters are not recognized correctly

Image image = Image.load(“source.emf”); try {  final VectorRasterizationOptions options = new EmfRasterizationOptions();  options.setBackgroundColor(Color.getWhite());  options.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize()));“output.png”, new PngOptions() {{ setVectorRasterizationOptions(options); }}); } finally {  image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1383 Optimize a process of exporter from SVG to raster formats.

String input = “sample_car.svg”; String output = “java_optimized.png”;

long nnStart = System.nanoTime(); Image img = Image.load(input); try { PngOptions options = new PngOptions(); SvgRasterizationOptions svgRasterizationOptions = new SvgRasterizationOptions(); svgRasterizationOptions.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(img.getSize())); options.setVectorRasterizationOptions(svgRasterizationOptions);, options); } finally { img.dispose(); } System.out.println(“It took: " + (System.nanoTime() - nnStart) / 1000000000.0 + " seconds”);

For example: Processing file sample_car.svg required 57.76 seconds before optimization and 13.36 seconds after. Processing file powerpoint_emf.emf.Svg required 46.93 seconds before optimization and 21.18 seconds after. Processing file page0000_Path.svg required 46:17.00 minutes before optimization and 00:22:53 seconds after.

IMAGINGJAVA-1379 Rotation of Image 

// Getting the skew angle from scanned text document RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.load(“skewed.png”); try { float skewAngle = image.getSkewAngle(); // … System.out.println(skewAngle); } finally { image.close(); }

// Get rid of the skewed scan with default parameters image = (RasterImage)Image.load(“skewed.png”); try { image.normalizeAngle();“result.png”); } finally { image.close(); }

// Get rid of the skewed scan with custom parameters image = (RasterImage)Image.load(“skewed.png”); try { image.normalizeAngle(false /do not resize/, Color.getLightGray() /background color/);“normalized.png”); } finally { image.close(); } ```

IMAGINGJAVA-1339 Aspose.Imaging Emf save MSPaint compatibility

Image image = Image.load(“1.emf”); try {“out.emf”); } finally {  image.close(); }