Aspose.Imaging for Java 20.1 (Release failed) - Release notes

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Key Summary Category
IMAGINGJAVA-1543 Introduce new classes for vector and multi page images Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1527 Unify processing of multi page image export Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1517 Support different raster data types in TIFF format Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1516  Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Tiff format Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1507   Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Gif format Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1503  Exception on converting TIFF to PNG Feature
IMAGINGJAVA-1505 Exception on converting tiff image to png Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1502 QA 19.11 .NET 3549 Opaque parts Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1501 Exception while converting JPG to PDF Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1467 Exception on converting jpeg to pdf Enhancement
Please see Release notes for Aspose.Imaging 20.2

Public AI changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 20.1 version

h2. Removed APIs:

 Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 20.1 version

Usage Examples:


IMAGINGJAVA-1502 QA 19.11 .NET 3549 Opaque parts

Image image = Image.load(“sample_car.svg”); try {  image.resize(image.getWidth() * 2, image.getHeight() * 2);“sample_car_resize_2_2.png”, new PngOptions()); } finally {  image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1486 QA 19.11 Java 1431 Opaque parts (derived from IMAGINGNET-3623)

Image image = Image.load(“sample_car.svg”); try {  image.resize(image.getWidth() * 2, image.getHeight() * 2);“sample_car_resize_2_2.png”, new PngOptions()); } finally {  image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1517 Support different raster data types in TIFF format

// below are 3 options for loading raw data

// Example 1. Loading raw data in accordance with its own raw data format. // Raw data after decoding is processed to eliminate format-specific effects (prediction and invert color component values). RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.load(“input.tif”); try { image.loadRawData(image.getBounds(), image.getRawDataSettings(), new CustomRawDataLoader()); } finally { image.close(); }

// Example 2. Raw data loading according to user-specified raw data format. // In this case, in addition, raw data is converted from its own format to the one specified by the user. // Note that so far not all raw data formats can be converted to other formats (since not all color converters are still implemented and registered at the ColorConverterFactory). RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.load(“input.tif”); try { RawDataSettings rawDataSettings = new RawDataSettings(); rawDataSettings.setPixelDataFormat(PixelDataFormat.getRgb24Bpp()); rawDataSettings.setDitheringMethod(DitheringMethods.PaletteIgnore); rawDataSettings.setLineSize(((image.getWidth() * rawDataSettings.getPixelDataFormat().getBitsPerPixel()) + 7) / 8);

image.loadRawData(image.getBounds(), image.getRawDataSettings(), new CustomRawDataLoader()); } finally { image.close(); }

// Example 3. Loading raw raw data without processing. // Format-specific effects (prediction and invert color component values) may be present in this data, therefore this data cannot be used in color converters without pre-processing. RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.load(“input.tif”); try { image.loadRawData(image.getBounds(), null, new CustomRawDataLoader()); } finally { image.close(); }

// Custom raw data loader class CustomRawDataLoader implements IPartialRawDataLoader { /**   * Processes the loaded data.   * @param rectangle The data rectangle.   * @param data The raw data.   * @param start The start data point. If not equal to (left,top) meaning that it is not full rectangle we have.   * @param end The end data point. If not equal to (right,bottom) meaning that it is not full rectangle we have.   */  @Override public void process(Rectangle rectangle, byte[] data, Point start, Point end)  {  this.process(rectangle, data, start, end, null);  }

/**   * Processes the loaded data.   * @param rectangle The data rectangle.   * @param data The raw data.   * @param start The start data point. If not equal to (left,top) meaning that it is not full rectangle we have.   * @param end The end data point. If not equal to (right,bottom) meaning that it is not full rectangle we have.   * @param loadOptions The load options.   */  @Override public void process(Rectangle rectangle, byte[] data, Point start, Point end, LoadOptions loadOptions)  {  // custom raw data processing  } }

IMAGINGJAVA-1505 Exception on converting tiff image to png

ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try {  Image image = Image.load(“Exemplo C-2320.tif”);  try {, new PngOptions()); }  finally {   image.close(); } } finally {  outputStream.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1503 Exception on converting TIFF to PNG 

Image image = Image.load(“Test TIFF.tiff”); try {“Test TIFF.png”, new PngOptions()); } finally {  image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1467 Exception on converting TIFF to PNG 

Image image = Image.load(“Test TIFF.tiff”); try {“Test TIFF.png”, new PngOptions()); } finally {  image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1516 Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Tiff format

// Setting a memory limit of 10 megabytes for target loaded image Image image = Image.load(“Default.tiff”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(10); }}); try {“Default_export.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default)); } finally { image.close(); }

image = Image.load(“TiffCcitRle.tiff”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(10); }}); try {“TiffCcitRle_export.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffCcitRle)); } finally { image.close(); }

image = Image.load(“TiffDeflateRgb.tiff”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(10); }}); try {“TiffDeflateRgb_export.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb)); } finally { image.close(); }

image = Image.load(“TiffJpegYCbCr.tiff”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(10); }}); try {“TiffJpegYCbCr_export.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegYCbCr)); } finally { image.close(); }

image = Image.load(“TiffLzwCmyk.tiff”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(10); }}); try {“TiffLzwCmyk_export.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk)); } finally { image.close(); }

image = Image.load(“TiffNoCompressionRgb.tiff”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(10); }}); try {“TiffNoCompressionRgb_export.tiff”, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffNoCompressionRgb)); } finally { image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1507 Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Gif format

// Setting a memory limit of 10 megabytes for target loaded image Image image = Image.load(“flowers.gif”, new LoadOptions() {{ setBufferSizeHint(10); }}); try {“flowers_export.gif”, new GifOptions()); } finally { image.close(); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1543 Introduce new classes for vector and multi page 

private void exportImage(ImageOptionsBase imageOptions, String ext) {    String baseFolder = “D:\images”;    String outputFolderName = baseFolder + File.separator + “out”;    File inDir = new File(baseFolder);    String[] files = inDir.list();

   if (files == null)        return;

   for (String inputFileName : files)     {        File inFile = new File(inputFileName);        System.out.println(inFile.getName());        Image image = Image.load(inputFileName);        try         {            //export only 2 pages            if (image instanceof IMultipageImage && ((IMultipageImage)image).getPages() != null && ((IMultipageImage)image).getPageCount() > 2)             {                imageOptions.setMultiPageOptions(new MultiPageOptions(new IntRange(0, 2)));             }                else             {                imageOptions.setMultiPageOptions(null);             }

           if (image instanceof VectorImage)             {                imageOptions.setVectorRasterizationOptions((VectorRasterizationOptions)image.getDefaultOptions(new Object[] { Color.getWhite(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight() }));                imageOptions.getVectorRasterizationOptions().setTextRenderingHint(TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel);                imageOptions.getVectorRasterizationOptions().setSmoothingMode(SmoothingMode.None);             }

           String outFileName = outputFolderName + inFile.getName() + ext;  , imageOptions);         }        finally         {            image.close();         }     } }

and execute this code for cross formats export:

ImageOptionsBase[] imageOptions = new ImageOptionsBase[] {new PsdOptions(),  new WebPOptions(), new GifOptions(),                new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default), new BmpOptions(), new JpegOptions(), new Jpeg2000Options(), new PngOptions(),                new EmfOptions(), new SvgOptions(), new WmfOptions(), new PdfOptions(),         };

String[] imageExt = new String[] {".psd", “.webp”, “.gif”, “.tiff”, “.bmp”, “.jpeg”, “.j2k”, “.png”, “.emf”, “.svg”, “.wmf”,".pdf"};

if (imageOptions.length != imageExt.length) {    throw new RuntimeException(“imageOptions length not equal imageExt length”); }

for (int i = 0; i < imageOptions.length; i++) {    exportImage(imageOptions[i], imageExt[i]); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1527 Unify processing of multi page image export String baseFolder = “D:\images\"; String outputFolderName = baseFolder + “out”; String[] files = { “MultiframePage1.dicom”, “VariousObjectsMultiPage.odg” };

for (String inputFileName : files) {    Image image = Image.load(baseFolder + inputFileName);    try     {        PdfOptions imageOptions = new PdfOptions();        imageOptions.setMultiPageOptions(new MultiPageOptions(new IntRange(1, 2)));        if (image instanceof VectorImage)         {            imageOptions.setVectorRasterizationOptions((VectorRasterizationOptions)image.getDefaultOptions(new Object[] { Color.getWhite(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight() }));            imageOptions.getVectorRasterizationOptions().setTextRenderingHint(TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel);            imageOptions.getVectorRasterizationOptions().setSmoothingMode(SmoothingMode.None);         }

       String outFileName = outputFolderName + inputFileName + “.pdf”;, imageOptions);     }    finally     {        image.close();     } }

IMAGINGJAVA-1501 Exception while converting JPG to PDF RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.load(“stamp-the-world.jpg”); try {     ResolutionSetting setting = new ResolutionSetting(             image.getHorizontalResolution(),             image.getVerticalResolution());     PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();     pdfOptions.setResolutionSettings(setting);“stamp-the-world.jpg.pdf”, pdfOptions); } finally {     image.close(); }