Aspose.Imaging for Java 21.8 - Release notes

Competitive features:

Key Summary Category
IMAGINGJAVA-7887 Incorrect number of cycles in exported GIF animation Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7886 Cannot set number of cycles in exported GIF animation Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7884 Incorrect export from CDR to PSD Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7877 Particular CDR file cannot be opened/rasterized Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7875 Image saving failed when converting WMF Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7874 Text in saved EMF is garbled Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7872 Measure String for Graphics.DrawString method Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7871 Backport of Aspose.PSD to Aspose.Imaging Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7852 Memory leak when saving EPS to PSD Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7851 Improve original (prior to Version 2.0) TGA file format support Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7850 Exception on exporting DCM to APNG Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7814 Exception on loading image Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-7772 Convert EMF to PNG will generate too many font files under TempFontsGraphics Enhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-628 Calling resize method of SvgImage class is throwing exception Enhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 21.8 version

Removed APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 21.8 version

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGJAVA-7887 Incorrect number of cycles in exported GIF animation

String path = "";
try (GifImage image = (GifImage)Image.load(path))
{"output.gif", new GifOptions() {{ setLoopsCount(4); }});

IMAGINGJAVA-7886 Cannot set number of cycles in exported GIF animation

String path = "";
try (GifImage image = (GifImage)Image.load(path))
      System.out.println(image.getLoopsCount() == 7 ? "OK" : "False");
      ((GifFrameBlock)image.getPages()[0]).setFrameTime(200);"output.gif", new GifOptions() {{ setLoopsCount(4); }});

IMAGINGJAVA-7884 Incorrect export from CDR to PSD

String baseFolder = "D:\\";
String fileName = "yo calender.CDR";
String inputFilePath = baseFolder + fileName;
String outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".psd";
try (CdrImage image = (CdrImage)Image.load(inputFilePath))
{, new PsdOptions()
        setVectorRasterizationOptions(new CdrRasterizationOptions() 

IMAGINGJAVA-7877 Particular CDR file cannot be opened/rasterized

String baseFolder = "D:\\";
String fileName = "LETTER HEAD.cdr";
String inputFilePath = baseFolder + fileName;
String outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".png";
try (CdrImage image = (CdrImage)Image.load(inputFilePath))
{, new PngOptions()
        setVectorRasterizationOptions(new CdrRasterizationOptions()

IMAGINGJAVA-7875 Image saving failed when converting WMF

try (Image image = Image.load("1480 HANGER FORM AND DIE SCHEMATIC.WMF"))
	PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();"output.png", saveOptions);

try (Image image = Image.load("1480 HANGER FORM AND DIE SCHEMATIC.WMF"))
	SvgOptions saveOptions = new SvgOptions();"output.svg", saveOptions);

IMAGINGJAVA-7874 Text in saved EMF is garbled

String baseFolder = "D:\\";
String inputFileName = baseFolder + "original.emf";
String outputFileName = baseFolder + "saved.emf";
try (Image image = Image.load(inputFileName))

IMAGINGJAVA-7872 Measure String for Graphics.DrawString method

try (Image backgoundImage = Image.load("image1.png"))
    Graphics gr = new Graphics(backgoundImage);
    com.aspose.imaging.StringFormat format = new com.aspose.imaging.StringFormat();
    com.aspose.imaging.SizeF size = gr.measureString("Test", new com.aspose.imaging.Font("Arial",10), com.aspose.imaging.SizeF.getEmpty(), format);
    float expectedWidth = 31.15668f;
    Assert.that(Math.abs(size.getWidth() - expectedWidth) <= 1.0f);
    float expectedHeight = 16.5625f;
    Assert.that(Math.abs(size.getHeight() - expectedHeight) <= 1.0f);

IMAGINGJAVA-7871 Backport of Aspose.PSD to Aspose.Imaging

// This code should successfully export a PSD image
try (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Image.load("3.jpg"))
{"output.psd", new PsdOptions());

// This code should throw an ImageLoadException 
try (Image image = Image.load("output.psd"))


IMAGINGJAVA-7852 Memory leak when saving EPS to PSD

String inputFilePath = "file_2.eps";
String outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".psd";
while (true)
    try (Image image = Image.load(inputFilePath))
         try (PsdOptions options = new PsdOptions())
               try (EpsRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new EpsRasterizationOptions())
                   rasterizationOptions.setPageWidth(6633);// image.Size.Width;
                   rasterizationOptions.setPageHeight(6633);// image.Size.Height;
         , options);


IMAGINGJAVA-7851 Improve original (prior to Version 2.0) TGA file format support

try (Image image = Image.load("envanter.tga"))
{"output.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGJAVA-7850 Exception on exporting DCM to APNG

String inputFilePath = "";
String outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".png";

try (Image image = Image.load(inputFilePath))
{, new ApngOptions() {{ setDefaultFrameTime(300); }});

IMAGINGJAVA-7814 Exception on loading image

try (Image image = Image.load("sankey1a.png"))
{"sankey1a.png.jpg", new JpegOptions());

IMAGINGJAVA-7772 Convert EMF to PNG will generate too many font files under TempFontsGraphics

File f = new File(System.getProperty("") + "/TempFontsGraphics");
if (!f.exists())

int wasFiles = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
	PngOptions pngOpts = new PngOptions();
	try (Image image = Image.load("image.emf"))
	{"image.emf.png", new PngOptions());
	if (i == 0)
		wasFiles = f.list().length;

int nowFiles = f.list().length;
Assert.assertEquals(wasFiles, nowFiles, "Incorrect work of the font subsystem!");

IMAGINGJAVA-628 Calling resize method of SvgImage class is throwing exception

try (Image svg = Image.load("gump-bench.svg"))
	svg.resize(svg.getWidth() / 2, svg.getHeight() / 2);"gump-bench-resized.svg");