Aspose.Imaging for .NET 16.12 - Release notes

Aspose.Imaging for .Net has been updated to version 16.12 and we are pleased to announce it. The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.Imaging.

Features and Improvements

Key Summary Category
IMAGINGNET-1830 Convert EMF to WMF Feature
IMAGINGNET-1824 ThreadSafe API support stage 1 Feature
IMAGINGNET-1669 DNG format support Feature
IMAGINGNET-2145 Thread safe API for TIFF images Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2134 Could not read layers in PSD file. Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2133 JPEG format performance improvents Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2129 Remove Imaging Drawing engine Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2127 Iamprovements of performance and memory usage for Dicom Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2121 Converting WMF to PNG format is not showing correct output [.Net] Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2108 Exception when opening image in separate thread Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2096 Aspose.Imaging 4.0.0: Image.Load method is not thread-safe Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2080 Improve performance of jpeg file format Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2075 Aspose.Imaging is not showing correct resolution of PSD image Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2072 License as Embedded resource is not working Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2067 Incorrect saving result while using Image.Save(string path, ImageOptionsBase options, Rectangle boundsRectangle). Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2062 Unify Metered API usage. Enable COMPACT configuration for Dynabic.Metering module. Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2052 Can’t do subsequent resizing of rotated WEBP image Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-2009 Converting WMF to PNG format destroying vertical text on Y-axis Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-1995 Exception in PNG encoder Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-1601 Jpeg pixels read by Aspose.Imaging differs from pixels read by System.Drawing Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-1600 Saved jpeg is displayed incorrectly on Windows 8 Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-1803 Random ImageSaveException: Cannot decode strip 0. Details:, at TiffFrame.Save Enhancement

Usage examples


 string path = @"";

string[] files = new string[] { "TestEmfRotatedText.emf", "TestEmfPlusFigures.emf", "TestEmfBezier.emf" };

foreach (string file in files)


    string filePath = Path.Combine(path, file);

    using (MetaImage image = (MetaImage)Image.Load(filePath))


        image.Save(filePath + "_out.wmf", new WmfOptions());



IMAGINGNET-1824 ThreadSafe API support stage 1 That all image options classes (e.g. BmpOptions, TiffOptions, JpegOptions, etc.) now implement IDisposable interface, so you must properly dispose options in case you use set up the option’s Source property (e.g. bmpOptions.Source = new StreamSource(fileStream)). Use the next code snippet in these cases:

Example of using image options

 string imageDataPath = string.Empty;



    imageDataPath = Path.GetTempFileName();

    using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(imageDataPath))


        using (BmpOptions bmpOptions = new BmpOptions())


            bmpOptions.BitsPerPixel = 32;

            bmpOptions.Source = new StreamSource(fileStream);

            using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Create(bmpOptions, 10, 10))


                Color[] pixels = new Color[4];

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)


                    pixels[i] = Color.FromArgb(40, 30, 20, 10);


                image.SavePixels(new Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2), pixels);










That next containers (StreamContainer, SplitStreamContainer, and TiffStreamWriter) support SyncRoot property now, so you can use this property to synchronize access to source stream. Use the next code snippet to synchronize access to source stream.

Example of synchronization access to source stream

 using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())


    using (StreamContainer streamContainer = new StreamContainer(memoryStream))


        lock (streamContainer.SyncRoot)


            // do work

            // now access to source MemoryStream is synchronized




IMAGINGNET-1669 DNG format support

 string fileName = "calella1.dng";

using (DngImage image = (DngImage)Image.Load(fileName))


    image.Save("result.jpg", new JpegOptions());

 string fileName = "HDR - 3c.dng";

using (DngImage image = (DngImage)Image.Load(fileName))


    image.Save("result.jpg", new JpegOptions());

 string fileName = "calella1.dng";

using (DngImage image = (DngImage)Image.Load(fileName))


    Console.WriteLine("Camera model:" + image.ImgData.ImageDataParameters.Model);

    Console.WriteLine("Camera manufacturer:" + image.ImgData.ImageDataParameters.CameraManufacturer);

    Console.WriteLine("Software:" + image.ImgData.ImageDataParameters.Software);

    Console.WriteLine("Colors count:" + image.ImgData.ImageDataParameters.ColorsCount);

    Console.WriteLine("Artist:" + image.ImgData.ImageOtherParameters.Artist);

    Console.WriteLine("Aperture:" + image.ImgData.ImageOtherParameters.Aperture);

    Console.WriteLine("Focal length:" + image.ImgData.ImageOtherParameters.FocalLength);

    Console.WriteLine("Iso speed:" + image.ImgData.ImageOtherParameters.IsoSpeed);


IMAGINGNET-2145 Thread safe API for TIFF images

Represents the class that tests usage of basic Aspose.Imaging image operations in multithreading environment

 using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Threading;

using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;

public class QaMultiThreadingTest


    #region Tests

    public void RunAllTests()






    private void LoadAndSaveFromStreamTest()


        Console.WriteLine("Running LoadAndSaveFromStreamTest test");

        string imagePath = @"F:\Programming\TEST_DATA\1824 MULTI\TestData\TIFF\33266.tif";

        using (Stream srcImageStream = File.Open(imagePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))


            // get the ethalon source data

            using (Image img = Image.Load(srcImageStream))


                using (MemoryStream ethalonStream = new MemoryStream())


                    // save to arbitrary stream

                    img.Save(ethalonStream, new BmpOptions());

                    srcImageStream.Position = 0;

                    List<DoImageProcessingStage> stages = new List<DoImageProcessingStage>();



                        Stream[] streams = new Stream[] {srcImageStream, srcImageStream, srcImageStream, srcImageStream, srcImageStream};

                        for (int it = 0; it < streams.Length; it++)


                            Stream stream = streams[it];

                            DoImageProcessingStage stageToProcess = new DoImageProcessingStage("Load the same image and save using stream as source image", 0, (s) =>


                                        using (Image image = Image.Load(stream))


                                            MemoryStream tmpStream = new MemoryStream();


                                            image.Save(tmpStream, new BmpOptions());


                                    }, (s) =>



                                        Assert.AreEqual(1, s.StageResults.Count);

                                        MemoryStream resultStream = s.StageResults[0] as MemoryStream;


                                        Assert.AreEqual(ethalonStream.Length, resultStream.Length);

                                        Assert.True(StreamComparer.AreStreamsEqual(ethalonStream, resultStream));




                        List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();

                        foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)


                            Thread thread = new Thread(RunStage);





                        foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)







                        foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)









    private void LoadAndSaveDifferentFilesTest()


        Console.WriteLine("Running LoadAndSaveDifferentFilesTest test");

        string[] imagePaths = new string[]


            @"F:\Programming\TEST_DATA\1824 MULTI\TestData\TIFF\33266.tif",

            @"F:\Programming\TEST_DATA\1824 MULTI\TestData\TIFF\img4.TIF",

            @"F:\Programming\TEST_DATA\1824 MULTI\TestData\TIFF\bi_CCITT3_2d.tif",

            @"F:\Programming\TEST_DATA\1824 MULTI\TestData\TIFF\zeebra.tif",

            @"F:\Programming\TEST_DATA\1824 MULTI\TestData\TIFF\MARBLES.tif"


        List<Stream> ethalonStreams = new List<Stream>();



            foreach (string imagePath in imagePaths)


                // get the ethalon source data

                using (Image img = Image.Load(imagePath))


                    MemoryStream ethalonStream = new MemoryStream();


                    img.Save(ethalonStream, new BmpOptions());



            List<DoImageProcessingStage> stages = new List<DoImageProcessingStage>();



                for (int i = 0; i < imagePaths.Length; i++)


                    string path = imagePaths[i];

                    DoImageProcessingStage stageToProcess = new DoImageProcessingStage("Loads and saves the TIFF image", i, (s) =>


                        using (Image image = Image.Load(path))


                            MemoryStream tmpStream = new MemoryStream();


                            image.Save(tmpStream, new BmpOptions());


                    }, (s) =>



                        Assert.AreEqual(1, s.StageResults.Count);

                        MemoryStream resultStream = s.StageResults[0] as MemoryStream;


                        Assert.AreEqual(ethalonStreams[s.Id].Length, resultStream.Length, "TIFF: The resulting images lengths aren't equal");

                        Assert.True(StreamComparer.AreStreamsEqual(ethalonStreams[s.Id], resultStream), "TIFF: The resulting images content aren't equal");




                List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();

                foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)


                    Thread thread = new Thread(RunStage);





                foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)







                foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)








            if (ethalonStreams.Count > 0)


                foreach (Stream ethalonStream in ethalonStreams)


                    if (ethalonStream != null)








    private void GetFileFormatTest()


        Console.WriteLine("Running GetFileFormatTest test");

        string imagePath = @"F:\Programming\TEST_DATA\1824 MULTI\TestData\TIFF\33266.tif";

        FileFormat ethalonFileFormat = Image.GetFileFormat(imagePath);

        List<DoImageProcessingStage> stages = new List<DoImageProcessingStage>();



            string[] paths = new string[] { imagePath, imagePath, imagePath, imagePath, imagePath };

            for(int it = 0; it < paths.Length; it++)


                string path = paths[it];

                DoImageProcessingStage stageToProcess = new DoImageProcessingStage("Gets the file format for same file path", 0, (s) =>


                    FileFormat fileFormat = Image.GetFileFormat(path);


                }, (s) =>



                    Assert.AreEqual(1, s.StageResults.Count);

                    FileFormat resultFileFormat = (FileFormat)s.StageResults[0];

                    Assert.AreEqual(ethalonFileFormat, resultFileFormat, "Getting the file format for same file path is failed for TIFF testing file format");




            List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();

            foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)


                Thread thread = new Thread(RunStage);





            foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)







            foreach (DoImageProcessingStage stage in stages)






    #endregion Tests

    #region Methods

    private static void RunStage(object parameters)




            DoImageProcessingStage stage = parameters as DoImageProcessingStage;

            if (stage != null)





        catch (Exception ex)





    private static void JoinAllThreads(IEnumerable<Thread> threads)


        foreach (Thread thread in threads)





    #endregion Methods

    #region Helpers

    internal delegate void VerifyResultsAction(DoImageProcessingStage sourceStage);

    internal class DoImageProcessingStage


        #region Fields

        protected VerifyResultsAction action;

        protected VerifyResultsAction verifyAction;

        protected List<object> resultsList = new List<object>();

        private string name;

        private int id;

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public DoImageProcessingStage(string name, int id, VerifyResultsAction action, VerifyResultsAction verifyAction)


   = name;

   = id;

            this.action = action;

            this.verifyAction = verifyAction;


        #endregion Constructors

        #region Properties

        public List<object> StageResults


            get { return this.resultsList; }


        public string Name


            get { return; }


        public int Id


            get { return; }


        #endregion Properties

        #region Public methods

        public void DoStage()




                if (this.action != null)





            catch (Exception ex)






        public void CheckResults(bool dispose)


            if (this.verifyAction != null)








                    if (dispose)







        public void Dispose()


            if (this.resultsList != null && this.resultsList.Count > 0)


                foreach (object o in resultsList)


                    IDisposable resourceToDispose = o as IDisposable;

                    if (resourceToDispose != null)






                        catch (Exception)


                            // do nothing





                this.resultsList = null;



        #endregion Public methods


    internal static class Assert


        public static void IsNotNull(object obj)


            if (obj == null)


                throw new Exception("Passed object is null");



        public static void AreEqual(int expected, int actual, string errorMessage)


            if (expected != actual)


                throw new Exception(string.Format("Expected {0}, but was {1}  {2}", expected, actual, errorMessage));



        public static void AreEqual(long expected, long actual, string errorMessage)


            if (expected != actual)


                throw new Exception(string.Format("Expected {0}, but was {1}  {2}", expected, actual, errorMessage));



        public static void AreEqual(int expected, int actual)


            if (expected != actual)


                throw new Exception(string.Format("Expected {0}, but was {1}", expected, actual));



        public static void AreEqual(long expected, long actual)


            if (expected != actual)


                throw new Exception(string.Format("Expected {0}, but was {1}", expected, actual));



        public static void AreEqual(FileFormat expected, FileFormat actual, string errorMessage)


            if (expected != actual)


                throw new Exception(string.Format("Expected {0}, but was {1}  {2}", expected, actual, errorMessage));



        public static void True(bool condition, string errorMessage)


            if (!condition)


                throw new Exception(errorMessage);



        public static void True(bool condition)


            if (!condition)


                throw new Exception("Specified condition isn't true");




    internal static class StreamComparer


        #region Public methods

        public static bool AreStreamsEqual(Stream stream1, Stream stream2)


            const int bytesToRead = 8;

            if (stream1 == null)


                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream1");


            if (stream2 == null)


                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream2");


            stream1.Position = 0;

            stream2.Position = 0;

            if (stream1.Length != stream2.Length)


                return false;


            byte[] one = new byte[bytesToRead];

            byte[] two = new byte[bytesToRead];

            int iterations = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)stream1.Length / bytesToRead);

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)


                stream1.Read(one, 0, bytesToRead);

                stream2.Read(two, 0, bytesToRead);

                if (BitConverter.ToInt64(one, 0) != BitConverter.ToInt64(two, 0))


                    return false;



            return true;


        #endregion Public methods


    #endregion Helpers


IMAGINGNET-2134 Could not read layers in PSD file.

 string inputFolderPath = "c:\psdFiles";

DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(inputFolderPath);

FileInfo[] files = dinfo.GetFiles("*.psd");

foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in files)


    string path = fileInfo.FullName;

    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(path))





IMAGINGNET-2133 JPEG format performance improvents Load only:

 string folder = @"D:\Jpeg\";

string[] files = new string[] { "cmyk.jpg", "rgb.jpg", "ycbcr.jpg", "ycck.jpg", "grayscale.jpg", "img.jpg","big.jpg"};

foreach (var file in files)


    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

    using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Load(folder + file))




    DateTime stop = DateTime.Now;

    double time = (stop.Ticks - start.Ticks) / 10000000d;

    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("File name:{0}; time: {1:0.000000} sec", file, time));



File name current time,sec v.16.10 time, sec
cmyk.jpg 1,126064 1,217070
rgb.jpg 0,054003 0,057003
ycbcr.jpg 0,028002 0,039002
ycck.jpg 0,724042 0,740042
grayscale.jpg 0,029002 0,029002
img.jpg 0,502029 0,741042
big.jpg 40,855337 52,649011
current: Execution time : 43,3406258 seconds
v16.10: Execution time : 55,5046764 seconds

productivity increased by 21,915%

Load & save

 string folder = @"D:\Jpeg\";

string[] files = new string[] { "cmyk.jpg", "rgb.jpg", "ycbcr.jpg", "ycck.jpg", "grayscale.jpg", "img.jpg","big.jpg"};

foreach (var file in files)


    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

    using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Load(folder + file))




    DateTime stop = DateTime.Now;

    double time = (stop.Ticks - start.Ticks) / 10000000d;

    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("File name:{0}; time: {1:0.000000} sec", file, time));



File name current time,sec v.16.10 time, sec
cmyk.jpg 0,528030 0,770044
rgb.jpg 0,149009 0,309018
ycbcr.jpg 0,057003 0,125007
ycck.jpg 1,510086 4,068233
grayscale.jpg 0,042002 0,075004
img.jpg 1,435082 3,333191
big.jpg 143,763223 212,021127
current: Execution time : 147,5015511 seconds
v16.10: Execution time : 220,7192307 seconds

productivity increased by 33.172%

IMAGINGNET-2129 Remove Imaging Drawing engine Remove obsolete own drawing engine. Property removed:

 bool Aspose.Imaging.Graphics.UseOwnDrawingEngine

IMAGINGNET-2127 Iamprovements of performance and memory usage for Dicom

 using (DicomImage image = new DicomImage(@"D:\RleMultipage.dicom"))


    if (image.BitsPerPixel != 8)


        throw new Exception("The BitsPerPixel is wrong!");


    int[] colors = image.LoadArgb32Pixels(image.Bounds);

    int[] ethalonColors = image.ActivePage.LoadArgb32Pixels(image.Bounds);

    if (colors.Length != ethalonColors.Length)


        throw new Exception("The colors.Length != ethalonColors.Length");


    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)


        if (colors[i] != ethalonColors[i])


            throw new Exception(string.Format("colors[{0}] != ethalonColors[{0}]",i));




Debug.WriteLine("The test was successful!");

IMAGINGNET-2121 Converting WMF to PNG format is not showing correct output [.Net] InputFile: ^o_1avu1va031fkjunois817pd1smp9.wmf OutputFile: ^o_1avu1va031fkjunois817pd1smp9.wmf.png

 string fileName = "o_1avu1va031fkjunois817pd1smp9.wmf";

string inputFileName = @"D:\" + fileName;

string outFileName = @"D:\" + fileName + ".png";

using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(inputFileName))


    EmfRasterizationOptions emf = new EmfRasterizationOptions();

    emf.PageHeight = image.Height;

    emf.PageWidth = image.Width;

    emf.BackgroundColor = Color.White;

    PngOptions options = new PngOptions();

    options.VectorRasterizationOptions = emf;

    image.Save(outFileName, options);


IMAGINGNET-2108 Exception when opening image in separate thread

 public void ImagingNet2108Test()


    string path = @"C:\testdata\Issues\IMAGINGNET2108\sample.jpg";

    int toProcess = 100;

    for (int i = 0; i < toProcess; i++)


        new Thread(() =>


            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))


                using (Aspose.Imaging.Image img = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(fileStream))







IMAGINGNET-2096 Aspose.Imaging 4.0.0: Image.Load method is not thread-safe

 public void ImagingNet2096()


    List<string> imagesFolders = new List<string>()













    for (int i = 0; i < imagesFolders.Count; i++)


        Console.WriteLine("Testing {0} folder", i);

        List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();

        string folder = this.GetFileInCustomFolderRelativeToBase(imagesFolders[i]);

        string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(folder);

        int k = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < filePaths.Length; j++)


            Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(LoadImage));




            if (k % 5 == 0)




                Console.WriteLine("Processed k = {0}", k);





        Console.WriteLine("Processed k = {0}", k);



private static void LoadImage(object filePath)


    using (var image = Image.Load((string)filePath))




private static void JoinAllThreads(IEnumerable<Thread> threads)


    foreach (Thread thread in threads)





IMAGINGNET-2080 Improve performance of jpeg file format

 DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

using (Image image = Image.Load(@"D:\big.jpg"))




DateTime stop = DateTime.Now;

double sec = (stop.Ticks - start.Ticks) / 10000000d;

Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Execution time :{0:0.000} sec", sec));

IMAGINGNET-2075 Aspose.Imaging is not showing correct resolution of PSD image

 string sourceFileName = "8-bit-example_.psd";

string outputFile = "result.psd";

using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(sourceFileName))




    image.VerticalResolution = 400;

    image.HorizontalResolution = 400;



using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(outputFile))





IMAGINGNET-2072 License as Embedded resource is not working The project “SimpleConsole” contains incorrect path to resources. It will be correct so: SimpleConsole.lic.Aspose.Imaging.lic

 static void Main(string[] args)


    Aspose.Imaging.License license = new Aspose.Imaging.License();



IMAGINGNET-2067 Incorrect saving result while using Image.Save(string path, ImageOptionsBase options, Rectangle boundsRectangle).

 string inputFile = @"D:\1.png";

string outputFile = @"D:\result.png";

using (RasterImage img = (RasterImage) Image.Load(inputFile))


    Rectangle testRect = new Rectangle(112, 222, 500, 500);

    img.Save(outputFile, new PngOptions(), testRect);


IMAGINGNET-2052 Can’t do subsequent resizing of rotated WEBP image

 string path = @"D:\Animation1.webp";

string outPutPath = @"D:\Animation1_modified.webp";

using (WebPImage image = (WebPImage) Image.Load(path))



    image.Resize(1000, 1000);



IMAGINGNET-2062 Unify Metered API usage. Enable COMPACT configuration for Dynabic.Metering module.

 const string LicensingError = "Aspose imaging is not licensed.";

Metered metered = new Metered();

metered.SetMeteredKey(<valid public key>, <valid private key>);

if (!new Aspose.Imaging.License().IsLicensed)


  throw new Exception(LicensingError);

 Metered metered = new Metered();

metered.SetMeteredKey(<valid public key>, <valid private key>);

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Consumption quantity {0} MB",Metered.GetConsumptionQuantity()));

using (Image img = Image.Load(@"in.psd"))





Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Consumption quantity {0} MB", Metered.GetConsumptionQuantity()));

IMAGINGNET-2052 Can’t do subsequent resizing of rotated WEBP image

 string path = @"D:\Animation1.webp";

string outPutPath = @"D:\Animation1_modified.webp";

using (WebPImage image = (WebPImage) Image.Load(path))



    image.Resize(1000, 1000);



IMAGINGNET-2009 Converting WMF to PNG format destroying vertical text on Y-axis

 string inputFile = @"D:\image1.wmf";

string outputFile = @"D:\result.png";

using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))


    VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = new WmfRasterizationOptions()


        RenderMode = WmfRenderMode.EmbeddedEmfOnly,

        PageWidth = image.Width,

        PageHeight = image.Height


    image.Save(outputFile, new PngOptions(){VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions});


IMAGINGNET-1995 Exception in PNG encoder

 string inputFile = @"D:\pngerror.bin";

string outputFile = @"D:\result.png";

int width = 1024;

int height = 768;

int[] pixels = new int[width * height];

using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open))


    using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))


        for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)


            pixels[i] = reader.ReadInt32();




using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())


    BmpOptions bmpOptions = new BmpOptions();

    bmpOptions.BitsPerPixel = 32;

    bmpOptions.Source = new StreamSource(stream);

    using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage) Image.Create(bmpOptions, 1024, 768))


        image.SaveArgb32Pixels(image.Bounds, pixels);

        PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();

        pngOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;

        image.Save(outputFile, pngOptions);



IMAGINGNET-1601 Jpeg pixels read by Aspose.Imaging differs from pixels read by System.Drawing Result: console output - Found different pixels: 18364, percents: 0,4813474

 using (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(@"D:\img.jpg"))

using (Bitmap gdiImg = new Bitmap(@"D:\img-copy.jpg"))


    int w = image.Width;

    int h = image.Height;

    Aspose.Imaging.Color[] imagingColors = image.LoadPixels(image.Bounds);

    int ind = 0;

    int errorCount = 0;

    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)


        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)


            System.Drawing.Color gdiColor = gdiImg.GetPixel(x, y);

            Aspose.Imaging.Color imagingColor = imagingColors[ind++];

            if (gdiColor.ToArgb() != imagingColor.ToArgb())






    int totalPixelCount = w * h;

    float errorCountPercents = (100f * errorCount / totalPixelCount);

    System.Console.WriteLine("Found different pixels: {0}, percents: {1}", errorCount, errorCountPercents);

    if (errorCountPercents > 0.5)


        throw new Exception("The number of errors should be no more than 0.5 percent");



IMAGINGNET-1600 Saved jpeg is displayed incorrectly on Windows 8

 string folderName = @"D:\1600\";

string outFolderName = folderName+@"out\";

if (!Directory.Exists(outFolderName))




string[] fileNames = new string[] { "fltst.jpeg", "cmyk.jpeg", "image1.jpeg", "image1_1.jpg" };

foreach (var fileName in fileNames)


    string inputFile = folderName + fileName;

    string outputFile = outFolderName + fileName + ".jpeg";

    string outputFileGdi = outFolderName + fileName + ".png";

    using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))


        JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();

        options.ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.Ycck;

        image.Save(outputFile, options);


    using (System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(inputFile))





IMAGINGNET-1803 Random ImageSaveException: Cannot decode strip 0. Details:, at TiffFrame.Save

 public void ImagingNet1803Test()


    string path = @"C:\testdata\Images\Tiff\MultiPageTest.tif";

    using (var multiImage = (TiffImage)Image.Load(path))


        List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();

        TiffFrame[] frames = multiImage.Frames;

        for (int j = 0; j < frames.Length; j++)


            object[] parameters = new object[2];

            parameters[0] = frames[j];

            parameters[1] = j;

            Thread thread = new Thread(SaveImage);








private void SaveImage(object parameters)


    string destFolderPath = "C:\IMAGES";



        object[] passedParameters = (object[]) parameters;

        TiffFrame frame = (TiffFrame) passedParameters[0];

        int i = (int) passedParameters[1];

        var createOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default)


            Compression = TiffCompressions.CcittFax4,

            BitsPerSample = new ushort[] {1},

            Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsWhite,


        string path = string.Format(@"page-{0}.tif", i);

        path = Path.Combine(destFolderPath, path);

        frame.Save(path, createOptions);


    catch (Exception ex)






private static void JoinAllThreads(IEnumerable<Thread> threads)


    foreach (Thread thread in threads)



