Aspose.Imaging for .NET 21.12 - Release notes

Competitive features:

  • File extension aware Image Save
Key Summary Category
IMAGINGNET-4554 File extension aware Image Save Feature
IMAGINGNET-4894 Cloud eps tests are failed on Imaging v21.11 beta Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4885 “Image loading failed.” exception when open TGA document Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4862 Export SVG with embedded WebP image Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4834 Tiff to pdf Issue: file size increasing drastically Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4752 Incorrect conversion from tif to pdf Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4724 Error on use copied TiffFrame Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4717 “Unable to cast object of type ‘Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Objects.EmfLogPalette’ to type ‘Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Objects.EmfLogFont’.” exception when rendering WMF to PNG Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4675 Bounding Box of GraphicsPath throws exception Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4656 “Image loading failed.” exception when open document Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-4001 Support MTA for APNG, FODG, DICOM, Html5 Canvas, Eps formats Enhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Field/Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.Emz

Field/Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.FOdg

Field/Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.Svgz

Field/Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.Wmz

Method Aspose.Imaging.Image.Save(System.String)

Removed APIs:

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGNET-4894 Cloud eps tests are failed on Imaging v21.11 beta

string inputFileName = "test.eps";
string destFilePath = inputFileName + ".png";
using (var image = Image.Load(path))
	image.Save(destFilePath, new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4885 “Image loading failed.” exception when open TGA document

using (Image image = Image.Load("slow_cape.tga"))
                image.Save("output.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4862 Export SVG with embedded WebP image

using (SvgImage image = (SvgImage)Image.Load(@"D:\input.svg"))
    image.Save(@"D:\output.webp", new WebPOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4834 Tiff to pdf Issue: file size increasing drastically

using (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.Load(@"FX8C0D.TIF"))
Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PdfOptions pdfOptions = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PdfOptions()
ResolutionSettings = new Aspose.Imaging.ResolutionSetting(
PdfCoreOptions = new Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Pdf.PdfCoreOptions()
Compression = PdfImageCompressionOptions.Ccitt4,


            image.Save(@"FX8C0D.pdf", pdfOptions);

IMAGINGNET-4752 Incorrect conversion from tif to pdf

string baseFolder = TestDirectory;
string fileName = "Input.tif";
string inputFileName = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
string outputFileName = inputFileName + ".pdf";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFileName))
	image.Save(outputFileName, new PdfOptions()
		PdfCoreOptions = new PdfCoreOptions() { Compression = PdfImageCompressionOptions.Ccitt4 }

IMAGINGNET-4724 Error on use copied TiffFrame

const string filename = "in.tiff";
TiffFrame copiedFrame;

// prepare test data
using (var image = new TiffImage(new TiffFrame(new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default), 100, 100)))

// do test
using (var image = (TiffImage)Image.Load(filename))
    copiedFrame = TiffFrame.CopyFrame(image.Frames[0]);
    new TiffImage(copiedFrame).Save("out.tiff");

IMAGINGNET-4717 “Unable to cast object of type ‘Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Objects.EmfLogPalette’ to type ‘Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Objects.EmfLogFont’.” exception when rendering WMF to PNG

string inputFile = "Rechnung_7737083439 - 27.07.2021.wmf";
string outputFile = inputFile + ".png";

using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))
	PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();
	image.Save(outputFile, saveOptions);

IMAGINGNET-4675 Bounding Box of GraphicsPath throws exception

1. Bounding box

string baseFolder = @"D:\";
string fileName = "340168-1-1.tif";
string inputFileName = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
string outputFileName = inputFileName + ".png";
using (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.Load(inputFileName))
     GraphicsPath vGPath = PathResourceConverter.ToGraphicsPath(image.ActiveFrame.PathResources.ToArray(), image.Size);
     RectangleF vBounds = vGPath.Bounds;
     Graphics g = new Graphics(image);
     g.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Red), vGPath);
     g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Green), vBounds);
     image.Save(outputFileName, new PngOptions());

2. Masking

string baseFolder = @"D:\";
string fileName = "340168-1-1.tif";
string inputFileName = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
string outputFileName = inputFileName + ".png";
Aspose.Imaging.Masking.Options.MaskingOptions maskingOptions = new Aspose.Imaging.Masking.Options.MaskingOptions();
maskingOptions.Method = Aspose.Imaging.Masking.Options.SegmentationMethod.Manual;
maskingOptions.Decompose = false;
maskingOptions.BackgroundReplacementColor = Aspose.Imaging.Color.Transparent;

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
     maskingOptions.ExportOptions = new PngOptions() { Source = new StreamSource(ms) };
     using (TiffImage vImage = (TiffImage)Image.Load(inputFileName))
           var vGPath = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.PathResources.PathResourceConverter.ToGraphicsPath(vImage.ActiveFrame.PathResources.ToArray(), vImage.Size);
           maskingOptions.Args = new Aspose.Imaging.Masking.Options.ManualMaskingArgs()
                 Mask = vGPath

           var vMasking = new Aspose.Imaging.Masking.ImageMasking(vImage);
                  vMasking.Decompose(maskingOptions)[1].GetImage().Save(outputFileName, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

IMAGINGNET-4656 “Image loading failed.” exception when open document

using (Image image = Image.Load("IMG-0001-00001.dcm"))
	image.Save("output.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4554 File extension aware Image Save

using Aspose.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System;

string inputFile = "anyfile.bmp";
string outputFile = "output.jpg";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFile))

if (Image.GetFileFormat(outputFile) != FileFormat.Jpeg)
	throw new Exception("Wrong format!!!");


IMAGINGNET-4001 Support MTA for APNG, FODG, DICOM, Html5 Canvas, Eps formats

var basefolder = @"D:\test";
 var imageOptions= new ImageOptionsBase[] { new ApngOptions(), new DicomOptions(), new Html5CanvasOptions(){CanvasTagId = "1"}, new WmfOptions(){Compress = true}, new EmfOptions(){Compress = true}, new SvgOptions(){Compress = true}};
 var fileName = Path.Combine(basefolder, "1.fodg");

 for (int i = 0; i < imageOptions.Length; i++)
     this.LoadAndAsyncSave(fileName, imageOptions[i]);

private void LoadAndAsyncSave(string inputFileName, ImageOptionsBase imageOptions)
    var taskCount = 10;
    List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();
    List<Stream> streams = new List<Stream>();
    MemoryStream standardStream = new MemoryStream();
    using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFileName))

        //create standard
        SaveImage(image, standardStream, imageOptions);

        //Create tasks
        for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++)
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            Thread thread = new Thread(() => this.SaveImage(image, stream, imageOptions));

        //run tasks
        foreach (var thread in threads)

        foreach (var thread in threads)

        //check & dispose
        for (int i = 0; i < streams.Count; i++)
            Assert.AreEqual(standardStream, streams[i]);


 private void SaveImage(Image image, Stream stream, ImageOptionsBase options)
     image.Save(stream, options);