Aspose.Imaging for .NET 3.3.0 Release Notes
Aspose.Imaging for .Net has been updated to version 3.3.0 and we are pleased to announce it.
The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.Imaging.
New Features
IMAGING-34909 Need add support of BITMAPV4 and BITMAPV5 headers for BMP
IMAGING-34482 Support for WebP Image Format
IMAGING-34461 Support tiled tiff images
IMAGING-34052 Read and Write XMP Data for Supported Image formats
IMAGING-33511 Support for JPM image format
IMAGING-33211 Support PSD TextLayer/IMAGING-33121 Ability to manipulate textual layer in PSD
IMAGING-35113 Unable to Resize the PNG image of size 80 MB
IMAGING-35108 Converting DWG to PDF format missing some elements e.g. some lines and some text .Net
IMAGING-35094 Converting DWG to PDF is producing incorrect PDF output file
IMAGING-35082 Converting TIFF to TIFF Ending in exception: Cannot decode strip 0. Details: There is no more data to read .NET
IMAGING-35077 Could not save EXIF data in TIFF format
IMAGING-35073 The image size left almost the same after Image.Resize when resizing a large JPEG image
IMAGING-35072 Converting BMP to JPEG generating exception - Image export failed .Net
IMAGING-35071 Converting PNG to JPEG is distorting the resulting image .Net
IMAGING-35066 TiffOptions is not compressing the image file .Net
IMAGING-35029 getHorizontalResolution & getVerticalResolution properties return invalid results .Net
IMAGING-35014 Convert Jpeg2000 image to JP2 format to get specific Header.
IMAGING-34974 Investigate and implement JPEG image encoding algorithm to use RD-OPT algorithm
IMAGING-34918 Can not open jpx streams by Jpeg2000Image
IMAGING-34917 The conversion from jpeg2000 to png is invalid
IMAGING-34891 Can not open jpx streams by Jpeg2000Image
IMAGING-34856 Conversion of DWG to PDF takes too much time
IMAGING-34749 Reading the tiff file with jpeg compression works wrong and returns invalid colors.
IMAGING-34727 Tiff file with Graphics drawn on it is saved incorrectly
IMAGING-34716 The artifacts appear when jpx stream is decoded
IMAGING-34444 Quality of the image decreases after re-sizing the GIF image
IMAGING-34181 Add support for reading Tiff images with OJpeg compression type
IMAGING-34151 Converting a Tiff to Jpeg renders the image displaced
IMAGING-34066 Saved JPEG images differ from source images
Usage examples:
IMAGING-35014 Convert Jpeg2000 image to JP2 format to get specific Header.
Sample of conversion of Jpeg2000 image to JP2
string path = "bmpSample.bmp";
var outPath = "result.jp2";
var options = new Jpeg2000Options();
options.Source = new FileCreateSource(outPath, false);
options.Codec = Jpeg2000Codec.Jp2;
using (BmpImage im = (BmpImage)Image.Load(path))
using (Jpeg2000Image image = (Jpeg2000Image)Image.Create(options, im.Width, im.Height))
int\[\] pixels = im.LoadArgb32Pixels(im.Bounds);
image.SaveArgb32Pixels(im.Bounds, pixels);
IMAGING-33211 Ability to manipulate textual layer in PSD.
Sample of using TextLayer in Psd.
string sourceFileName = "fewTextLayers.psd";
string outputFile = "result.psd";
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(sourceFileName))
var psdImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage)image;
Assert.IsTrue(psdImage.Layers[2] is TextLayer);
Assert.IsTrue(psdImage.Layers[1] is TextLayer);
TextLayer textLayer1 = (TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[1];
TextLayer textLayer2 = (TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[2];
Assert.IsTrue(textLayer2.Text.Equals("1"), "Wrong text in layer 2");
Assert.IsTrue(textLayer1.Text.Equals("1new"), "Wrong text in layer 1");
Assert.AreEqual(textLayer1.Font.Size, 24.0f, 0.01f, "Font is not equal 24.0 in layer1");
Assert.AreEqual(textLayer2.Font.Size, 24.0f, 0.01f, "Font is not equal 24.0 in layer2");
Color.FromArgb(255, Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0)).Equals(textLayer1.TextColor),
"Color in layer 1 is not correct");
Color.FromArgb(255, Color.FromArgb(223, 8, 8)).Equals(textLayer2.TextColor),
"Color in layer 2 is not correct");
textLayer2.UpdateText("test update", new Point(100, 100), 72.0f, Color.Purple);
psdImage.Save(outputFile, new PsdOptions(){CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.RLE});
IMAGING-34482 Support for WebP Image Format
Create WebP image
WebPOptions imageOptions = new WebPOptions();
imageOptions.Lossless = true;
imageOptions.Source = new FileCreateSource(@"D:\create.webp", false);
using (Image image = Image.Create(imageOptions, 500, 500))
Export to WebP image
using (Image image = Image.Load(@"D:\save.bmp"))
WebPOptions options = new WebPOptions();
options.Qualitty = 50;
options.Lossless = false;
image.Save(@"D:\save.webp", options);
Load animation
using (WebPImage image = new WebPImage(@"D:\animation.webp"))
if (image.Blocks.Length > 2)
RasterImage block = (image.Blocks[2] as RasterImage);
if (block \!= null)
block.Save(@"D:\animation.bmp", new BmpOptions());
Save animation (gif to webp)
using (Image image = Image.Load(@"D:\animation.gif"))
GifImage gif = image as GifImage;
if (gif == null) return;
using (WebPImage webp = new WebPImage(image.Width, image.Height, null))
for (int i = 0; i < gif.Blocks.Length; i++)
GifFrameBlock gifBlock = gif.Blocks[i] as GifFrameBlock;
if (gifBlock == null)
WebPFrameBlock block = new WebPFrameBlock(gifBlock)
Top = (short) gifBlock.Top,
Left = (short) gifBlock.Left,
Duration = (short) gifBlock.ControlBlock.DelayTime
webp.Options.AnimBackgroundColor = 0xff; //black
webp.Options.AnimLoopCount = 0; //infinity
webp.Options.Qualitty = 50;
webp.Options.Lossless = false;
IMAGING-34052 Read and Write XMP Data for Supported Image formats
Reading and writing XMP metadata
public void XmpWriteReadExample()
// the size of image
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 200);
TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRGB);
tiffOptions.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsBlack;
tiffOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort\[\] { 8 };
// create the brand new image just for sample purposes
using (var image = new TiffImage(new TiffFrame(tiffOptions, rect.Width, rect.Height)))
// create the brand new XMP metadata of type XmpPacketWrapper
var xmpHeader = new XmpHeaderPi(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
var xmpTrailer = new XmpTrailerPi(true);
var xmpMeta = new XmpMeta();
xmpMeta.AddAttribute("Author", "Mr Smith");
xmpMeta.AddAttribute("Description", "The fake metadata value");
// the XMP packet wrapper that contains all metadata
var xmpData = new XmpPacketWrapper(xmpHeader, xmpTrailer, xmpMeta);
// create a Photoshop package and add them into XMP metadata
var photoshopPackage = new PhotoshopPackage();
// create a DublinCore package and add them into XMP metadata
var dublinCorePackage = new DublinCorePackage();
dublinCorePackage.SetAuthor("Charles Bukowski");
dublinCorePackage.SetTitle("Confessions of a Man Insane Enough to Live With the Beasts");
dublinCorePackage.AddValue("dc:movie", "Barfly");
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
image.XmpData = xmpData; // update XMP metadata
ms.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
using (var img = (TiffImage)Image.Load(ms))
// getting the XMP metadata
XmpPacketWrapper imgXmpData = img.XmpData;
foreach (XmpPackage package in imgXmpData.Packages)
// use package data ...
IMAGING-34909 Need add support of BITMAPV4 and BITMAPV5 headers for BMP
public void BmpV4_5Header()
// Read V4 header
BmpImage image = new BmpImage(@"input\pal8v5.bmp");
// Console.WriteLine("Check on bitmap V4 Header");
Console.WriteLine("Check on bitmap V4 Header");
var bmpHeader = image.BitmapInfoHeader as BitmapV4Header;
if (bmpHeader\!=null)
// Console.WriteLine("Check on bitmap V5 Header");
if(image.BitmapInfoHeader as BitmapV5Header\!=null)
Console.WriteLine("RedMask: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).RedMask.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GreenMask: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GreenMask.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("BlueMask: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).BlueMask.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("CSType: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).CSType.ToString());
CieCoordinatesTriple ?ieCoordinatesTriple = ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).Endpoints;
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzRed.CieCoordinatesX.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzRed.CieCoordinatesY.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzRed.CieCoordinatesZ.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzGreen.CieCoordinatesX.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzGreen.CieCoordinatesY.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzGreen.CieCoordinatesZ.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzBlue.CieCoordinatesX.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzBlue.CieCoordinatesY.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzBlue.CieCoordinatesZ.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GammaRed: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GammaRed.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GammaGreen: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GammaGreen.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GammaBlue: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GammaBlue.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Intent: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).Intent.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("ProfileData: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).ProfileData.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("ProfileSize: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).ProfileSize.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Reserved: {0}", ((BitmapV5Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).Reserved.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("RedMask: {0}", ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).RedMask.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GreenMask: {0}", ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GreenMask.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("BlueMask: {0}", ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).BlueMask.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("CSType: {0}", ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).CSType.ToString());
CieCoordinatesTriple ?ieCoordinatesTriple = ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).Endpoints;
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzRed.CieCoordinatesX.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzRed.CieCoordinatesY.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzRed.CieCoordinatesZ.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzGreen.CieCoordinatesX.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzGreen.CieCoordinatesY.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzGreen.CieCoordinatesZ.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzBlue.CieCoordinatesX.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzBlue.CieCoordinatesY.ToString());
{0}", ?ieCoordinatesTriple.CieXyzBlue.CieCoordinatesZ.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GammaRed: {0}", ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GammaRed.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GammaGreen: {0}", ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GammaGreen.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("GammaBlue: {0}", ((BitmapV4Header)image.BitmapInfoHeader).GammaBlue.ToString());
IMAGING-34181 Add support for reading Tiff images with OJpeg compression type
Sample of reading of Tiff image with OJpeg compression type
using (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.Load("fattura_300_scalagrigi.jpg"))
Color\[\] colors = image.LoadPixels(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height));
IMAGING-34444 Quality of the image decreases after re-sizing the GIF image
Extended resize usage sample
public void ExtendedResizeExample(string inputFile, string outputFile, int percent)
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(inputFile))
var settings = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageResizeSettings()
Mode = ResizeType.BilinearResample,
FilterType = ImageFilterType.BigRectangular,
ColorCompareMethod = ColorCompareMethod.Euclidian,
ColorQuantizationMethod = ColorQuantizationMethod.Popularity
image.Resize((image.Width * percent) / 100, (image.Height * percent) / 100, settings);
var gifOptions = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.GifOptions();
image.Save(outputFile, gifOptions);
IMAGING-34974 Investigate and implement JPEG image encoding algorithm to use RD-OPT algorithm
Jpeg RD-Optimizier usage sample
public void JpegWithRdOptExample(string inputFile, string outputFile)
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image inImage = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(inputFile))
var jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
Use JpegCompressionColorMode.Grayscale & JpegCompressionMode.Baseline
for grayscale or black&white images
jpegOptions.ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.YCbCr;
jpegOptions.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.Progressive;
jpegOptions.RdOptSettings = new RdOptimizerSettings
BppScale = 1000,
BppMax = 1,
MaxQ = 100
jpegOptions.Source = new StreamSource(new MemoryStream());
using (var anotherImage = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Create(jpegOptions,
var ipix = ((Aspose.Imaging.RasterImage)inImage).LoadArgb32Pixels(inImage.Bounds);
((Aspose.Imaging.RasterImage)anotherImage).SaveArgb32Pixels(inImage.Bounds, ipix);
IMAGING-35071 Converting PNG to JPEG is distorting the resulting image [.Net]
Added property HasAlpha to class RasterImage, actual for (png,webp) and indicates whether or not a alpha chanel.
Using HasAlpha
using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Load(@"D:\save.webp"))
if (image.HasAlpha)
image.Save(@"D:\examle.png", new PngOptions());
image.Save(@"D:\examle.jpg", new JpegOptions());