Aspose.OCR for CPP 21.10 Release Notes
All Features
Key | Summary | Category |
OCRCPP-203 | Recognize list of images for C-compatible API | Enhancement |
OCRCPP-204 | Optimization filters for C-compatible API | Enhancement |
OCRCPP-209 | Make optimization filters for C++ API | Enhancement |
OCRCPP-210 | Develop list of images Processing for C++ API | Enhancement |
- added customer image correction using preprocessing filters
- added ability for batch recognition for images from the list
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
added new structure to set image optimization filters for C-compatible API: - custom_preprocessing_filters
added new structures to set image optimization filters for C++ -compatible API: - OCR_IMG_Binarize - OCR_IMG_Resize - OCR_IMG_Dilate - OCR_IMG_Invert - OCR_IMG_Rotate - OCR_IMG_Grayscale - OCR_IMG_Scale - OCR_IMG_Threshold
added new field to the RecognitionSettings structure: - custom_preprocessing_filters filters;
added new API methods: - size_t pages_multi_array( const char ** files, size_t files_number, wchar_t* buffer, size_t buffer_size, RecognitionSettings settings); - void preprocess_page_and_save( const char* image_path, const char* save_image_path, filter_operation * filters, size_t filters_number); - void asposeocr_preprocess_page_and_save( const char* image_path, const char* save_image_path, custom_preprocessing_filters filters);
Removed APIs
No Changes
Example (C++17 since filesystem)
#include <iostream>
#include <aspose_ocr.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <corecrt_io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
//Current directory const
std::filesystem::path path{ std::filesystem::current_path() };
/* asposeocr_set_license */
const std::string lic = "/Aspose.Total.lic";
std::filesystem::path license = path.string() + lic;
/* asposeocr_set_license */
bool lic_result = asposeocr_get_state();
std::filesystem::path image = path.string() + "/img.png";
/* Preprocess and save output image. C++ -compatible API */
filter_operation filters[2];
filters[0] = OCR_IMG_Resize(1000, 1000);
filters[1] = OCR_IMG_Scale(0.9);
//filters[2] = OCR_IMG_Threshold(100);
//filters[3] = OCR_IMG_Dilate();
//filters[4] = OCR_IMG_Invert();
//filters[5] = OCR_IMG_Rotate(10);
//filters[6] = OCR_IMG_Grayscale();
aspose::ocr::preprocess_page_and_save(image.c_str(), "../output_img_name.png", filters, 2);
/* Preprocess and save output image. C -compatible API */
custom_preprocessing_filters filters_;
filters_.filter_1 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_INVERT;
filters_.filter_2 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_THRESHOLD(20);
filters_.filter_3 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_BINARIZE;
filters_.filter_4 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_RESIZE(1000, 1000);
filters_.filter_5 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_SCALE(0.3);
filters_.filter_6 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_DILATE;
filters_.filter_7 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_ROTATE(-20);
asposeocr_preprocess_page_and_save(image.c_str(), "output_img_name.png", filters_);
/* Preprocess and recognize preprocessed image. C -compatible API */
// Prepare buffer for result
const size_t len = 4096;
wchar_t buffer[len] = { 0 };
// Set filters
custom_preprocessing_filters filters__;
filters__.filter_1 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_INVERT;
filters__.filter_2 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_THRESHOLD(20);
filters__.filter_3 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_GRAYSCALE;
filters__.filter_4 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_RESIZE(1000, 1000);
filters__.filter_5 = OCR_IMG_PREPROCESS_SCALE(0.3);
RecognitionSettings settings;
settings.filters = filters__;
size_t res = asposeocr_page_settings(image.c_str(), buffer, len, settings);
/* List of images processing. */
const int files_number = 2;
const char** files = new const char* [files_number];
files[0] = "../Data/Source/sample.png";
files[1] = "../Data/Source/sample_line.jpg";
aspose::ocr::pages_multi_array(files, files_number, buffer, len, settings);
/* List of images processing. */
aspose::ocr::page("folder\\folder\\image1.png;folder1\\folder2\\image2.png", buffer, len);
#ifdef _WIN32
setmode(_fileno(stdout), 0x00020000);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
std::wcout << buffer;