Aspose.OCR for CPP 21.8 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.OCR for C++ 21.8.
GPU version: 21.7.0
All Features
Key | Summary | Category |
OCRCPP-192 | Confidence rating of potential match | Enhancement |
OCRCPP-190 | Add a method that returns a list of rectangles of all lines in the text | Enhancement |
OCRCPP-189 | Add new method (or parameter) that indicates the table exists on the image | Enhancement |
- added the ability to get rectangles coordinates (from image path or from uri). Optionally select lines coordinates or paragraphs.
- added the ability to get a list of possible character variants
- added the ability to configure lines filtering for images containing tables
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
- added new Api method asposeocr_get_rectangles(const char* image_path, areas_type type, bool all_image, rect* buffer, size_t buffer_size);
- added new Api method asposeocr_get_rectangles_from_uri(const char* uri, areas_type type, bool all_image, rect* buffer, size_t buffer_size);
- added new Api method asposeocr_get_rectangles_number(const char* image_path, areas_type type, bool all_image);
- added new Api method asposeocr_get_rectangles_number_from_uri(const char* uri, areas_type type, bool all_image);
- added new Api method size_t page_characters_choices(const char* image_path, wchar_t buffer[][6], size_t buffer_size, RecognitionSettings settings);
- added new option for RecognitionSettings structure: lines_filtration
Removed APIs
No Changes
Example (C++17 since filesystem)
#include <iostream>
#include <aspose_ocr.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <corecrt_io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
//Current directory const
std::filesystem::path path{ std::filesystem::current_path() };
/* asposeocr_set_license */
const std::string lic = "/Aspose.Total.lic";
std::filesystem::path license = path.string() + lic;
/* asposeocr_set_license */
bool lic_result = asposeocr_get_state();
//Recognize image and get the 5 variants of letters for each recognnized characters
std::filesystem::path image = path.string() + "/img.png";
// Prepare buffer for result (in symbols, len_byte = len * sizeof(wchar_t))
const size_t len = 4096; // first dimension, depends on the length of the text
const size_t choices = 6; // second dimension, for characters choices (only 5 is allowed +1 on '\0')
wchar_t buffer[len][choices] = { 0 };
/* get characters choices*/
RecognitionSettings settings;
size_t result_len = asposeocr_page_characters_choices(image.c_str(), buffer, len, settings);
for (size_t i = 0; i < result_len; i++)
std::wcout << "letter: " << buffer[i][0] << " : ";
for (size_t j = 1; j < choices - 1; j++)
std::wcout << buffer[i][j] << " : ";
std::wcout << endl;
/* get rectangles*/
// Calculate the rectangles amount to allocate memory
size_t number = asposeocr_get_rectangles_number(image.c_str(), areas_type::paragraphs, true);
std::wcout << " rectangles: " << number << '\n';
// allocate memory and get the result
rect* rectangles = new rect[number];
number = asposeocr_get_rectangles(filePath.c_str(), areas_type::paragraphs, true, rectangles, number);
for (size_t i = 0; i < number; i++)
std::wcout <<"x:"<< rectangles[i].x << " y:" << rectangles[i].y << " height:" << rectangles[i].width << " width:" << rectangles[i].height << endl;
/* set lines filtration for images with tables*/
wchar_t buffer_[len] = { 0 };
settings.all_image = true; // if false - the table will detect automatically
settings.lines_filtration = true; // use false in case you set all_image = true
size_t size = asposeocr_page_settings(image.c_str(), buffer_, len, settings);
std::wcout << buffer_;