Aspose.OCR for Java 21.1 - Release Notes

All Features

Key Summary Category
OCRJAVA-95 Implement possibility to get result in .doc and .txt formats Enhancement
OCRJAVA-101 Fix bug with length of result lines Bug Fixes


The next opportunities:

  • added ability to save the recognition result in the plain text, Microsoft Word, Office Open XML or ODF Text Document format

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes


- added method save to the RecognitionResult object

Removed APIs

All methods of the previous release are supported.

Will be deprecated

String RecognizePage(String fullPath, Rectangle box);

String RecognizePage(BufferedImage image_, Rectangle box);

Usage Example

import static java.lang.System.out;

import java.awt.Rectangle;

import com.aspose.ocr.AsposeOCR;
import com.aspose.ocr.License;
import com.aspose.ocr.RecognitionResult;
import com.aspose.ocr.RecognitionSettings;
import com.aspose.ocr.SaveFormat.Format;

////  for gpu version

// import com.aspose.ocr.gpu.AsposeOCR;
// import com.aspose.ocr.gpu.License;
// import com.aspose.ocr.gpu.RecognitionResult;
// import com.aspose.ocr.gpu.RecognitionSettings;

public class App {
       public static void main(String[] args) {

        // set license    

        boolean resLicense = License.isValid();
        out.println("License is :" + resLicense);

        // Create api instance
        AsposeOCR api = new AsposeOCR();

        String img= "D:/img.png";

        save(api, img);


static void save(AsposeOCR api, String file) throws Exception {
        try {
            RecognitionSettings set =  new RecognitionSettings();
            RecognitionResult result = api.RecognizePage(file, set);
  "D://test.doc", Format.Doc);

        } catch (IOException e) {
