Automatic spelling correction

Aspose.OCR for Java can automatically replace commonly misspelled words in recognition results with the correct ones. This functionality supports the following languages:

Value Language
SpellCheckLanguage.Cze Czech
SpellCheckLanguage.Dan Danish
SpellCheckLanguage.Deu German
SpellCheckLanguage.Dum Dutch
SpellCheckLanguage.Eng English
SpellCheckLanguage.Est Estonian
SpellCheckLanguage.Fin Finnish
SpellCheckLanguage.Fra French
SpellCheckLanguage.Ita Italian
SpellCheckLanguage.Lav Latvian
SpellCheckLanguage.Lit Lithuanian
SpellCheckLanguage.Pol Polish
SpellCheckLanguage.Por Portuguese
SpellCheckLanguage.Rum Romanian
SpellCheckLanguage.Slk Slovak
SpellCheckLanguage.Slv Slovene
SpellCheckLanguage.Spa Spanish
SpellCheckLanguage.Swe Swedish

Spell checking is done on the fly, either upon displaying or upon saving the results:

Spelling correction of any text

You can also correct misspelled words in any text string using CorrectSpelling method of AsposeOCR class:

AsposeOCR api = new AsposeOCR();
// Extract text from image
String result = api.RecognizePage("source.png");
// Correct spelling
String correctedResult = api.CorrectSpelling(result, com.aspose.ocr.SpellCheck.SpellCheckLanguage.Eng);
System.out.println("Recognition result:\n" + correctedResult + "\n\n");