Aspose.OMR for Java 23.1.0 - Release Notes
What was changed
This is the major release of Aspose.OMR for Java which delivers significant new features, enhancements to existing features, performance improvements, and fixes. The list below contains the most important features that are supported in this release:
Key | Summary | Category |
OMRJAVA-66 | Added the ability to specify the page size of a generated OMR form. | New feature |
OMRJAVA-67 | Added the ability to specify color of all bubbles on a page. | New feature |
Public API changes and backwards compatibility
This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for Java 23.1.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.
Added public APIs:
The following public APIs have been added in this release:
class allows you to customize the design and layout of the generated OMR form. Starting with Aspose.OMR for Java 23.1.0, you can configure the following parameters:
The new setting GlobalPageSettings.PaperSize
allows you to configure page size for the generated OMR form. This setting takes one of the following values:
Value | Standard | Paper size (mm) | Paper size (inches) | Dimensions (pixels) |
PaperSize.Letter |
Letter | 215.9 × 279.4 | 8.5 × 11 | 2,551 × 3,295 |
PaperSize.A4 |
A4 | 210 × 297 | 8.3 × 11.7 | 2,480 × 3,508 |
PaperSize.Legal |
Legal | 215.9 × 355.6 | 8.5 × 14 | 2,551 × 4,205 |
PaperSize.Tabloid |
Tabloid | 279 × 432 | 11 × 17 | 3295 × 5102 |
PaperSize.p8519 |
215.9 × 482.6 | 8.5 × 19 | 2551 × 5702 | |
PaperSize.p8521 |
215.9 × 533.4 | 8.5 × 21 | 2551 × 6302 |
The new setting GlobalPageSettings.BubbleColor
allows you to specify the color of all bubbles in the generated OMR form. This setting takes one of the following values:
Color | Value |
DrawingColor.undefined | |
DrawingColor.AliceBlue | |
DrawingColor.AntiqueWhite | |
DrawingColor.Aqua | |
DrawingColor.Aquamarine | |
DrawingColor.Azure | |
DrawingColor.Beige | |
DrawingColor.Bisque | |
DrawingColor.Black | |
DrawingColor.BlanchedAlmond | |
DrawingColor.Blue | |
DrawingColor.BlueViolet | |
DrawingColor.Brown | |
DrawingColor.BurlyWood | |
DrawingColor.CadetBlue | |
DrawingColor.Chartreuse | |
DrawingColor.Chocolate | |
DrawingColor.Coral | |
DrawingColor.CornflowerBlue | |
DrawingColor.Cornsilk | |
DrawingColor.Crimson | |
DrawingColor.Cyan | |
DrawingColor.DarkBlue | |
DrawingColor.DarkCyan | |
DrawingColor.DarkGoldenrod | |
DrawingColor.DarkGray | |
DrawingColor.DarkGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkKhaki | |
DrawingColor.DarkMagenta | |
DrawingColor.DarkOliveGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkOrange | |
DrawingColor.DarkOrchid | |
DrawingColor.DarkRed | |
DrawingColor.DarkSalmon | |
DrawingColor.DarkSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkSlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.DarkSlateGray | |
DrawingColor.DarkTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.DarkViolet | |
DrawingColor.DeepPink | |
DrawingColor.DeepSkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.DimGray | |
DrawingColor.DodgerBlue | |
DrawingColor.Firebrick | |
DrawingColor.FloralWhite | |
DrawingColor.ForestGreen | |
DrawingColor.Fuchsia | |
DrawingColor.Gainsboro | |
DrawingColor.GhostWhite | |
DrawingColor.Gold | |
DrawingColor.Goldenrod | |
DrawingColor.Gray | |
DrawingColor.Green | |
DrawingColor.GreenYellow | |
DrawingColor.Honeydew | |
DrawingColor.HotPink | |
DrawingColor.IndianRed | |
DrawingColor.Indigo | |
DrawingColor.Ivory | |
DrawingColor.Khaki | |
DrawingColor.Lavender | |
DrawingColor.LavenderBlush | |
DrawingColor.LawnGreen | |
DrawingColor.LemonChiffon | |
DrawingColor.LightBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightCoral | |
DrawingColor.LightCyan | |
DrawingColor.LightGoldenrodYellow | |
DrawingColor.LightGray | |
DrawingColor.LightGreen | |
DrawingColor.LightPink | |
DrawingColor.LightSalmon | |
DrawingColor.LightSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.LightSkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightSlateGray | |
DrawingColor.LightSteelBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightYellow | |
DrawingColor.Lime | |
DrawingColor.LimeGreen | |
DrawingColor.Linen | |
DrawingColor.Magenta | |
DrawingColor.Maroon | |
DrawingColor.MediumAquamarine | |
DrawingColor.MediumBlue | |
DrawingColor.MediumOrchid | |
DrawingColor.MediumPurple | |
DrawingColor.MediumSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.MediumSlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.MediumSpringGreen | |
DrawingColor.MediumTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.MediumVioletRed | |
DrawingColor.MidnightBlue | |
DrawingColor.MintCream | |
DrawingColor.MistyRose | |
DrawingColor.Moccasin | |
DrawingColor.NavajoWhite | |
DrawingColor.Navy | |
DrawingColor.OldLace | |
DrawingColor.Olive | |
DrawingColor.OliveDrab | |
DrawingColor.Orange | |
DrawingColor.OrangeRed | |
DrawingColor.Orchid | |
DrawingColor.PaleGoldenrod | |
DrawingColor.PaleGreen | |
DrawingColor.PaleTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.PaleVioletRed | |
DrawingColor.PapayaWhip | |
DrawingColor.PeachPuff | |
DrawingColor.Peru | |
DrawingColor.Pink | |
DrawingColor.Plum | |
DrawingColor.PowderBlue | |
DrawingColor.Purple | |
DrawingColor.Red | |
DrawingColor.RosyBrown | |
DrawingColor.RoyalBlue | |
DrawingColor.SaddleBrown | |
DrawingColor.Salmon | |
DrawingColor.SandyBrown | |
DrawingColor.SeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.SeaShell | |
DrawingColor.Sienna | |
DrawingColor.Silver | |
DrawingColor.SkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.SlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.SlateGray | |
DrawingColor.Snow | |
DrawingColor.SpringGreen | |
DrawingColor.SteelBlue | |
DrawingColor.Tan | |
DrawingColor.Teal | |
DrawingColor.Thistle | |
DrawingColor.Tomato | |
DrawingColor.Turquoise | |
DrawingColor.Violet | |
DrawingColor.Wheat | |
DrawingColor.White | |
DrawingColor.WhiteSmoke | |
DrawingColor.Yellow | |
DrawingColor.YellowGreen |
Updated public APIs:
The following public APIs have been updated in this release:
Compatibility: fully backward compatible.
This change will not affect existing code, print forms, or recognition results.
This method now accepts a new settings
parameter, which customizes the design and layout of the generated OMR form. Available overloads:
Method | Description |
generateTemplate(String markupPath, GlobalPageSettings settings) |
Creates a printable OMR form from source code with a custom page size and bubble color. |
generateTemplate(String markupPath, ImageCollection collection, GlobalPageSettings settings) |
Creates a printable OMR form with images from source code. Allows for specifying page size and bubble color. |
Removed public APIs:
No changes.
Usage examples
See the examples below to learn more about the changes introduced in this release:
Configure page size of the OMR form
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
GlobalPageSettings pageSettings = new GlobalPageSettings();
pageSettings.PaperSize = PaperSize.A4;
GenerationResult res = engine.generateTemplate("source.txt", pageSettings);
res.Save("target", "omr_form");
Set the bubble color
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
GlobalPageSettings pageSettings = new GlobalPageSettings();
pageSettings.BubbleColor = DrawingColor.Red;
GenerationResult res = engine.generateTemplate("source.txt", pageSettings);
res.Save("target", "omr_form");