Aspose.OMR for .NET 22.11.1 Release Notes

What was changed

Key Summary Category
OMRNET-351 Added support for .NET 6 Enhancement

Known issues and limitations

Key Summary Workaround
OMRNET-462 Recognition of multi-page PDF and TIFF files causes an error. Scan each page of the filled form into a separate file and recognize them one-by-one.
OMRNET-555 Recalculate method results in incorrect processing of ScoreGroup elements (text markup / JSON markup) and CustomAnswerSheet elements (text markup / JSON markup). Use RecognizeImage method with different threshold setting instead of run-time adjustments of recognition accuracy.
OMRNET-685 Texts in ChoiceBox elements (text markup / JSON markup) are not automatically wrapped to fit the parent. Set line breaks manually to match the width of the parent element / page.

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for .NET 22.11.1 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

No changes.

Updated public APIs:

No changes.

Removed public APIs:

No changes.