
This element generates a question with a fixed number of answers. The respondent picks an answer by filling in the bubble next to it or by choosing a score on the rating scale.


ChoiceBoxConfig element is declared as an instance of ChoiceBoxConfig class. Reference Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Elements and Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Enums namespaces to use ChoiceBoxConfig types without specifying the fully qualified namespace:

using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Elements;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Enums;

The question text is specified in the QuestionText property.

Answers are specified in AnswersString property.

new ChoiceBoxConfig() {
	QuestionText = "Question",
	AnswersString = "() Answer 1 () Answer 2"

Required properties

Name Type Description
QuestionText string Question text.
AnswersString string A list of answers, represented as a specially formatted string.
Each answer is declared in the form ([character]) {Answer text}, where character specifies the symbol to be placed inside the answer bubble. For example, (α) Alpha Centauri. The character is optional; if it is omitted, the letters A through Z will be used.
Multiple answers can be placed one after the other on one line or on new lines. To add a line break, insert CRLF (\r\n) or line feed (\n) before the answer to be placed on a new line. For example: "() One () Two\r\n(3) Three".

Optional properties

Name Type Default value Description
Name string n/a Used as an element’s identifier in recognition results and as a reminder of the element’s purpose in template source; for example, “Satisfaction”.
This text is not displayed on the form.
FontFamily string “Segoe UI” The font family for the text.
FontStyle FontStyle FontStyle.Regular The font style for a text.
Several font styles can be combined with \| operator, for example FontStyle.Bold \| FontStyle.Italic.
FontSize int 12 Font size for the text.
TextAlignment AlignmentEnum AlignmentEnum.Left Horizontal text alignment.

Rating scale

You can omit the answer text in AnswersString property and use ([character]) syntax alone to create rating scales. For example, AnswersString = "(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)":

Rating scale


Check out the code examples to see how questions can be used.

Closed-ended question

TemplateConfig templateConfig = new TemplateConfig() {
	Children=new List<BaseConfig>() {
		new PageConfig() {
			Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
				new ChoiceBoxConfig() {
					QuestionText = "Which Aspose.OMR features do you consider the most valuable?",
					AnswersString = "() Recognition accuracy () Wide range of supported file formats\r\n() Form generation () QR codes and barcodes support"

Closed-ended question example

Yes / no options

TemplateConfig templateConfig = new TemplateConfig() {
	Children=new List<BaseConfig>() {
		new PageConfig() {
			Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
				new ChoiceBoxConfig() {
					QuestionText = "Would you recommend Aspose.OMR to your colleagues?",
					AnswersString = "(Yes) Yes, sure! (No) Unlikely"

Yes / no options example

Question with a rating scale

TemplateConfig templateConfig = new TemplateConfig() {
	Children=new List<BaseConfig>() {
		new PageConfig() {
			Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
				new ChoiceBoxConfig() {
					QuestionText = "On a scale of 5 to 1, how do you feel?",
					AnswersString = "(5)(4)(3)(2)(1)"

Question with a rating scale