Extract Text From Stamps
Extract Text from Stamp Annotations
Aspose.PDF for C++ lets you extract text from stamp annotations. In order to extract text from Stamp Annotations in a PDF, the following steps can be used.
- Create a Document class object
- Get the desired Annotation from list of annotations of a page
- Define a new object of TextAbsorber class
- Use the TextAbsorber’s visit method to get the Text
void Parsing::ExtractTextFromStamp()
std::clog << __func__ << ": Start" << std::endl;
// String for path name
String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\Parsing\\");
// String for file name
String infilename("ExtractStampText.pdf");
auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + infilename);
auto item = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1)->get_Annotations()->idx_get(1);
if (item->get_AnnotationType() == Annotations::AnnotationType::Stamp) {
auto annot = System::DynamicCast<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation>(item);
auto ta = MakeObject<TextAbsorber>();
auto ap = annot->get_Appearance()->idx_get(u"N");