次のコード例は、PDFドキュメントにブックマークアクションを追加する方法を示しています。 If you click on this tab, the desired action is performed. With the help of a Bookmark, clicking on it, we perform the desired action. Then create an CreateBookmarkAction, set the parameters of the text, colors, indicate the name of the bookmark, and also indicate the page number. The last action is done with “GoTo”, it allows you to go from anywhere to the page we need.
public static void AddBookmarksAction()
var document = new Document(_dataDir + "Sample.pdf");
PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(document);
editor.createBookmarksAction("Bookmark 1", java.awt.Color.GREEN, true, false, "", "GoTo", "2");
// 結果のPDFをファイルに保存します
editor.save(_dataDir + "PdfContentEditorDemo_Bookmark.pdf");